Solaris: setroot flattening CLASSPATH Env Var

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Operating Systems Solaris: setroot flattening CLASSPATH Env Var

  • Creator
  • #52946
    Chris Bagley

      Hi all, Hope this question is in the right board.

      I have an issue where running ‘setroot’ is overwriting the CLASSPATH environment variable.

      I have a ‘.login.local.start’ file created which contains:


      setenv CLASSPATH .:/export/quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator/java_libs/CacheDB.jar

      This works. I can log on and ‘env’ shows the variable has been set. Alas when I run ‘setroot’, CLASSPATH is set to:



      I’ve had a look in $HCIROOT/bin/hcisetenv and have seen this:


      $ENV{’CLASSPATH’} = &cleanPath( $ENV{’CLASSPATH’}, $pathSepChar, $pathSepChar, @pttnPath );

      Which looks like it should maintain the original value.

      Anyone got any idea to why this is happening?



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    • Author
      • #76027
        Russ Ross

          In the older days before the master site I would modfy the hcisetenv script like you might be considering.

          I did this to create my own master site long before the concept evolved in cloverleaf.

          I never really liked the idea of modifying hcisetenv but the benifits of a master site made it worth doing.

          I wrote and used the following function when changing sites back then which is probably similar to what you are doing now.


          function set522 {
             setroot -clear
             setroot /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator $1

          I learned over time like you are learning this results in undesirable baggage and then one day “light bulb!”.

          If the login process gives me what I want, can I just run the login process and all the undesired baggage might no longer be hanging around.

          It seemed to have the desired outcome from what I can tell thus far.

          So these days here is what my change site function looks like


          function set56 {
             export ROOT=”/quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator”
             export SITE=$1
             cd $HOME
             . ~/.profile
             cd $currentDir

          Just for the record here is the setroot function that comes with cloverleaf 5.6 and can be seen in AIX by typing the word functions at the command prompt


          function setroot
             eval `${CL_INSTALL_DIR}/integrator/sbin/hcisetenv -root ksh $*`

          since setroot is located in the directory


          defined by the $FPATH environment variable you will have a hard time finding it by trying to do

              which setroot

          so hopefully that will help others from struggling to figure out the mystery.

          Russ Ross

        • #76028
          Chris Bagley

            Hi Russ,

            Thankyou for the very extensive answer. Sorry I haven’t replied sooner, work has had me on other jobs :).

            I’ve got to admit I’m new in the Solaris world (and the Cloverleaf one for that matter) so some of your answer went over my head a little but I will have a dig and see what I can do.

            Thanks again.


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