socket-to-socket w/ Sybase e-biz impact

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  • Creator
  • #51825
    John Boyles

      Having issues with a flakey inbound TCP connection from a Sybase routing engine.  

      Every so often will receive this in the log when the connection drops:

      [pdl :PDL :ERR /0: to_prod] read returned error 0 (Error 0)

      [pdl:PDL:ERR /0: to_prod] PDL signaled exception: code 1, msg device error (remote side probably shut down).

      Sybase will be unable to reconnect until I bounce my thread.  We’re resorted to a two minute “keep alive” message just to keep the connection going but uncertain of the underlying issue.  Appears to be software rather than the tunnel itself.  

      Using mlp_tcp.pdl for the protocol and wondering if there’s a better one I could be using.


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    • Author
      • #71874
        Jim Kosloskey


          I doubt it is mlp_pdl that is causing the issue.

          The log is indicating Sybase e-Biz has disconnected. I would be suspicious it is then not releasing the port.

          Thus when you stop the Cloverleaf thread it resets the port and then you can reconnect.

          Make sure the port is really released.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #71875
          John Boyles

            Yea – probably not.  I think I’m just grasping at straws with mlp_pdl.  Still, anyone out there have any issues with Sybase?

            Note that the outbound connection from Cloverleaf to this engine isn’t much better.  Been able to stablize it but, again, having to use a “heartbeat” message tied to a disconnect/reconnect on his side.

          • #71876
            Jim Kosloskey


              I think the bulk of the investigation will need to be done on the e-Biz side.

              This may involve things like IP trace, etc.

              If the other side is willing to share their configuration options, maybe you can see a configuration option to try. Many (not all) systems have varying options to achieve connection persistency but they are not always obvious.

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #71877
              Rob Lindsey

                I do not have any issues with a connection between Sybase e-biz Impact and the CL system.  In face we have multiple connections between the two.  To me it sounds like the issue is a firewall that is closing the port on your connection.  We sometimes see this on our CL system when the firewall closes the port but the CL system still sees a connection.  Of course I am just guessing here.  What I would recommend is that you get a call together with yourself and the Impact and your network folks and see if you can recreate the issue while on the call.  Right now we use both CL and Impact in our shop and have over 400 CL connections to outside clients and over 2000 on the Impact system with no real problems other than when a clients firewall closes the connection without having it send the close to our engines.

              • #71878
                Jim Kosloskey


                  Is there a firewall involved?

                  email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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