Soarian Clinicals inbound result with pointer/link to PDF?

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  • #55775
    Peter Heggie

    Does anyone know of a Soarian Clinicals shop that has successfully implemented inbound results with a pointer to a PDF, such that going into patient results and clicking on the link will bring up the PDF?

    Or in Soarian Clinicals has been able to push in a result with a base64 encoded PDF which is then viewable in Clinicals?

    And if so, was this on a hosted configuration?

    I have found some documentation alluding to sending in an embedded PDF and I will play with that. I’m not sure which way is better – linking or embedding. (sounds like OLE!)

    Peter Heggie

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  • Author
    • #86464
      Jim Kosloskey

      Today the general thinking is away from pointers in favor of embedding.  

      There are a number of reasons for that and many of them make sense.

      A down side to embedding is the increased size of the messages. But with modern computing power that is not frequently a big issue.

      There are some specific rules in HL/7 for embedding (read the HL/7 standard for the release being used for the ED Data Type for more).

      Something to watch out for is the desire of some vendors to Base64 encode each line of a PDF in say an OBX segment (or multiple OBX segments) then have the receiving system (or Cloverleaf) put it all back together. I have had issues with that approach and have directed the system that do that to place the entire Base64 encoded PDF in a single field with no issues (once they get it right).

      I have done both inside Cloverleaf but not specifically with Soarian Clinicals.

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #86465
      Peter Heggie

      Thank you – I will try the embedding approach first. That certainly would make life easier. I have taken in embedded base64 documents but not gone the other way, so this should be fun.

      Peter Heggie

    • #86466

      Peter, I’ve never found one good document that explains the configuration for embedded pdf in Cerner. These uCern topics should give you enough information to get it working.

    • #86467
      Peter Heggie

      Thank you for putting together these links. I looked through these and got some good tips from them. Most of it concerned the Millenium system, while we have Soarian, and a lot of the advice and configuration does not transfer.

      They mentioned Cloverleaf and a former size limitation that was overcome by specifying a size of -1. I’m not sure where that is specified.. Unless it was a HL7 variant definition of the OBX.5 field used in a Translator. I am not using a translator, and it does seem like the message is getting out to the Cerner OpenLink engine, which front-ends Soarian Clinicals (but this is before Messaging Services).

      Our configuration is Cloverleaf -> OpenLink -> Messaging Services -> Soarian Clinicals.

      We could get errors at any point but I looked at OpenLink and I’m seeing a successful output of the message. I’m not seeing an error in the SIEV, so I think it is making it past Messaging Services as well. So this points me to a configuration setting in Clinicals that is probably not right. We may need to update a service code configuration or something.

      I think I have the OBX right or very close:


      OBX|1|ED|PHILIPS WAVEFORM PDF encoded^^L||file_location^AP^PDF^Base64^JVBERi0x…..||||||P|

      I’ll keep digging

      Peter Heggie

    • #86468
      Jim Kosloskey

      I am fairly confident the reference to -1 relates to an HL/7 variant specification for the OBX-5 field.

      My limited experience with Soarian (while it was Siemens owned) was their documentation left a lot to be desired but I would hope what is there now would let you know if there is anything out of the ordinary they require for the ED Data Type.

      Just a close check of your OBX-5 field looks correct to me. However that does not mean Soarian follows the standard. I had one Vendor who objected to any components in OBX-5 for an ED Type OBX as an example.

      Good Luck!

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #86469

      Sorry Peter, that “Clinicals” went right over my head. We’re a Soarian Financials shop.

      Have you looked at Cerner’s SC documentation?

      If not, this is what I found:

    • #86470
      Peter Heggie

      Thank you – yes I looked at these pages. I am hopeful that the section which talks about configuring services, ‘findings’ and the interface tab for each, is what I am missing. I have reached out to our Clinicals IT analyst and am trying to get him to experiment.

      Peter Heggie

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