SOAP Envelope Schema

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  • Creator
  • #52870
    Mark Thompson


      Does anyone have a soap-envelope.xsd that compiles in Cloverleaf?  I collected a few from (including the XMLSchema.dtd and datatypes.dtd) but no success in getting them to compile.  Thanks.

      - Mark Thompson

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    • Author
      • #75732
        Jim Kosloskey


          Isn’t that what the Intelligent Broker add-on is for – to handle the SOAP and WSDL envelopes?

          That way Cloverleaf only sees the payload thus no need to compile the SOAP/WSDL envelopes.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #75733
          Mark Thompson

            Very true.  However, we don’t have the IB add-on.  All our current SOAP work in done adding and removing SAOP wrappers with Tcl code.

            The real desire is to display the SAOP header and body separately in the SMAT GUI when viewing a complete outgoing message.

            - Mark Thompson

          • #75734
            Jim Kosloskey


              OK well I have heard that XML (and particularly SOAP and WSDL envelopes) changes rapidly but Cloverleaf Xerces version is locked to the Cloverleaf release.

              Are you on 5.8?

              If not maybe the Xerces compiler contained in the release of Cloverleaf you are on is not recognizing some XML feature which could be compilable on a later release of Cloverleaf?

              Do you have other XML validators (like Oxygen) and if so do the schemas validate on those?

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #75735
              Mark Thompson


                Happy new year to you from balmy Minnesota.

                We are on CL 5.8.4.  Mostly I just wanted to see the soap-envelope split into header and body in the SMAT display.  (We can see the message contents in later processing.)  Since that doesn’t appear to be an easy task, we will remove the soap envelope before SMAT logging.

                Thanks for the suggestions.

                - Mark Thompson

              • #75736
                Jim Kosloskey


                  If your SOAP contains a payload (body where the messageis) wouldn’t the schema you apply in SMAT need to have both the SOAP and the message schema as one schema?

                  If that is the case, then does the schema you have from the SOAP have a construct for the actual message or just a tage set where the body will go?

                  email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                • #75737
                  Mark Thompson

                    At this point in our processing I would like to display something like:

                     …Any header fields here…

                     …Any body fields here…

                    As mentioned earlier, we don’t care about breaking down the body fields at this point in the processing.  That will happen after the message has been removed from the soap-envelope.

                    We have other tools that can display the entire message.  Our team was looking for a simple way to display the SOAP envelope in the SMAT tool.

                    - Mark Thompson

                  • #75738
                    Jacques Talbot


                      Save it with a xsd extension. something like soap-enveloppe.xsd

                      It will compile in the XML package manager.

                      For the content I replaced the Body line:

                      with the content type ref

                      and I added the element declaration




                      There maybe better way but it is working fine

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