So long, and thanks for all the fish.

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf So long, and thanks for all the fish.

  • Creator
  • #121407
    Rob Abbott

      Hi all,

      May 15 marked my 30th anniversary with Cloverleaf.   I plan to retire on May 31.

      It’s been an amazing career working on the best product in our industry.  I am grateful to all of you for your amazing support and feedback over the years.

      I feel I am leaving things in good hands and the future is very bright for both Cloverleaf and the healthcare interoperability industry overall.

      Take care and thanks again!


      Rob Abbott
      Cloverleaf Emeritus

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    • Author
      • #121408
        Paul Johnston

          Wow, 30 years !!.  Well done.  That’s a long time Rob.

          Its been approx.  20 years for me with Cloverleaf although we have been switching to Rhapsody ( I know , boooo .. LOL ) last couple of years. I still monitor the forum because, good to remain in contact with a great group of Integration people and who knows, may be back.

          Anyway , Best of luck with your retirement. Hope it all goes well.


          Paul Johnston
          Systems Interface Analyst,
          Southlake Regional Health Centre| Stevenson Memorial Hospitals
          Newmarket, Ontario

        • #121409
          James Nelson

            Best wishes in your retirement and thank you for all of your contributions to the community over the years.

          • #121410
            Sandy McQuay

              Happy retirement, Rob!  Best wishes!

            • #121411
              Jim Kosloskey


                It is I who is thanking you for all you have done for the Cloverleaf community and me personally.

                It is a fact, clovertech as we know it would not exist without the tireless (and largely unsung) effort you have put forth.

                As 29-year Cloverleaf person, I say it was not possible without your assistance and encouragement.

                Go Wings!!

                email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #121412
                Robert Kersemakers

                  Enjoy your retirement Rob!
                  Thanks for all the work you put into Cloverleaf and this forum.

                  Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

                • #121413
                  Tim Pancost

                    Hey, Rob,

                    Congrats on the retirement!  Pretty sure the first time I met you was at my Level 1 training WAY back in January, 1995!  It’s been a pleasure working with you throughout the years.  We always knew we’d get an answer to whatever question we had once Rob got involved.

                    Now go use up those frequent flyer miles you must’ve accumulated through the years!  And have a Pan-Galactic GargleBlaster on me! 😁


                    Tim Pancost
                    Trinity Health

                  • #121414
                    Jeff Dawson

                      Enjoy retirement Rob, appreciate all you have done!

                    • #121417
                      James Cobane


                        Congrats on your retirement! It is well earned and deserved! Thank you so much for all your contributions to the Cloverleaf community and direction/development/support of the product! You will be greatly missed! I’ll never forget seeing you at Level I training shortly after you joined HCI (at the time) and so glad that we chose Cloverleaf (HCI-Link back then) instead of MegaSource 🙂

                        Jim Cobane

                      • #121428
                        Charlie Bursell

                          HCI Link!  That brings back ghostly memories (an inside joke).  Rob is the last of us (HCI/Quovadx/Infor and others) from those days.   Not very many in the customer base either.

                          You are so right Jim.  He will be sorely missed!

                        • #121451
                          Peter Heggie

                            We too are grateful for your support and your service to this Cloverleaf Community.

                            We only go back to 1998 when we used the SNA protocols to connect to the mainframe, to SMS, then Invision. I remember looking on Clovertech for answers and seeing your posts with looong TCL procs… 🙂

                            We will miss you on the strategy and new offering webinars as well!


                            Peter Heggie

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