[pd :pdtd:INFO/0: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] NOW AWAITING A REPLY!
[diag:leak:DBUG/0: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] diag ev alloc 0x219a4d08
[diag:leak:DBUG/0: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] diag dqe alloc 0x219a4c98
[pti :even:DBUG/0: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] Registering TIMER () event 0x219a4d08 for tid 3
[pti :even:DBUG/0: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] Registering TIMER event for tid 3
[dbi :elog:DBUG/3: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] [0.0.21614920] Looking for mid in error db
[dbi :dbi :DBUG/1: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] (0) ‘cl_keyfindlock: About to do d_keylock’
[dbi :dbi :DBUG/1: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] (0) ‘cl_keyfindlock: About to do d_keyfind, keyval:’
[dbi :rlog:DBUG/3: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] [0.0.21614920] Looking for mid in recovery db
[dbi :dbi :DBUG/1: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] (0) ‘cl_keyfindlock: About to do d_keylock’
[dbi :dbi :DBUG/1: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] (1000) ‘cl_keyfindlock: About to do d_keyfind, keyval:’
[msg :Mid :DBUG/3: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] Assigned mid [0.0.21614920] to msg 3003e03c
[msg :Msg :DBUG/0: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] [0.0.21614920] MSG alloc 0x3003e03c
[msg :Mid :DBUG/3: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] msgCopy from 0x3003f828 [0.0.21614918]
[msg :Mid :DBUG/3: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] msgCopy to 0x3003e03c [0.0.21614920]
[pd :pdtd:INFO/1: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] [0.0.21614918] Latencies: Outbound 0.040, Que 0.003, Total 0.040 secs
[dbi :rlog:INFO/1: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] [0.0.21614918] Update msg in recovery db to state OB delivered OK
[dbi :log :DBUG/2: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] log context: type 1, dbn 1, msgRec 10001, mdRec 10002, bodyRec 10003
[dbi :log :DBUG/2: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] state 14, mode 1
[dbi :dbi :DBUG/1: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] (0) ‘cl_lock: Trying to lock database ‘
[dbi :dbi :DBUG/1: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] (0) ‘ENGINE=x, rec=10001
[dbi :dbi :DBUG/1: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] (1) ‘ENGINE=x, rec=10002
[dbi :dbi :DBUG/1: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] (2) ‘ENGINE=x, rec=10003
[dbi :dbi :DBUG/1: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] (0) ‘cl_lock: Succeeded in locking database ‘
[dbi :log :DBUG/2: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] update var MD, upd 1, dirty 0
[dbi :dbi :DBUG/1: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] (0) ‘cl_recfree: Succeeded in freeing record lock’
[dbi :dbi :DBUG/1: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] (0) ‘cl_recfree: Succeeded in freeing record lock’
[dbi :dbi :DBUG/1: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] (0) ‘cl_recfree: Succeeded in freeing record lock’
[pd :pdtd:INFO/2: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] [0.0.21614918] Writing msg to outbound save file /bkpt/hmistst/hm_hbochi.out
[pd :pdtd:INFO/2: hm_hbochi:03/13/2012 17:18:24] Opening “/bkpt/hmistst/hm_hbochi.out” as outbound save msg file