SMAT files and the Testing tool

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  • #49103
    John Baumgartner

      We are currently running version 5.4.1. When using the Testing Tool I Have found that when I use a “.msg” file with multiple messages in it, and using the “New Line Terminated” option, I get the following output when I run the proc.

      “Checking for leaked handles…

      /quovadx/qdx5.4.1/integrator/bin/hcitpstest: short read from /home/hci/hcis_test1 — read 8006 characters but no newline”

      It acts as if the 10 individual messages in my file I copied are just a single message? What has changed in 5.4.1 to cause the testing tool to read multiple messages as if they are just a large single message. Like the carriage return, line feed are not there? I can always test my procs by creating files with just a single message in them, but running multiple messages through to test a proc is really desired. Has anyone else run into this problem? Feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks !

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    • Author
      • #60738
        Robert Kersemakers

          Hi John,

          In a ‘.msg’ file, the messages are stored one after another, without some kind of separator. The ‘.idx’ file will tell you where each message starts (OFFSET) and the length of the message (LENGTH).

          So you can use the .msg file in the testing tool if there’s only one message in it. But if it contains more than one message, you can’t use it in the testing tool, because the messages can’t be discerned. This is not typical for 5.4.1: it has always been like this.

          Best thing to do is to load the specific .msg/.idx file into SMAT, select the messages you want to test with and then ‘resend’ these messages to a file. The messages will be saved length-encoded. This file can then be used in the testing tool.

          Hope this helps!

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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