SMAT file revisons.

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf SMAT file revisons.

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  • #48653

      Ofter when working with smat files I find it neccessary to keep more then one copy. In production I find it neccessary to keep 90 days worth of smat files.  I have written scripts  to cycle them every night.

      But in test it is not a set thing.  I tend to cycle them when testing and we have serveral people testing so they get over written.  

      What are other poeple doing to avoid this ?

      Could we get Quovdax to add some netconfig paramater to say keep X copies of the smat files.

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    • Author
      • #59287
        Jim Kosloskey


          I think that feature is in CL 5.4.

          Check the release notes Rey Currie posted on Clovertech.

          Jim Kosloskey

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #59288
          Dick Bly

            John, due to that issue, I never use the gui or hcicmd to cycle smat files. Instead I have a script that does that for me. It reads the netconfig to find the smat files and then if there any “old” files renames them with a timestamp and suffix that increments if a file already exists with that name.  It then does the cycle save (based on what is in the netconfig) and goes thru the renaming process again. It will operate on all connections in a site or a single specified connection.

            The current vesion also moves the renamed files to the site dir to a savedmsgs dir to its assoctiated thread name dir so that all saved messages for thread1 would be in the directory


          • #59289
            Michael Hertel


              You must be thinking about the process logs.

              I’ve checked and can’t find anything about file retention for SMAT.

              If you know for sure that it is part of 5.4, please let me know.

              I want this feature too.


            • #59290
              Jim Kosloskey


                Right you are. It was the Logs.

                Jim Kosloskey

                email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #59291
                Michael Hertel

                  Gee whiz, you got me all excited!  :mrgreen:

                • #59292
                  Nancy McDaniel

                    I was wondering for those that are using a script to cycle the SMAT files, how are you removing old SMAT files?  Do you have tcl code that you can provide that does this?



                  • #59293
                    Richard Hart


                      We cycle SMAT files every day and rename the ‘.old’ to a date stamped file



                      The prod files are immediately FTP’d to a repository and  are deleted from the Cloverleaf sites after 80 days.

                      This is an example of our ‘cron’

                      0 0  * * *      DEBUG=NO; IAMCRON=YES; export DEBUG IAMCRON; /hci/InfoHEALTH/bin/        # Midnight

                      0 1  * * *      DEBUG=NO; IAMCRON=YES; CULLFTPOK=YES; LOGRM=30; SMATRM=80 export DEBUG IAMCRON LOGRM SMATRM CULLFTPOK; /hci/InfoHEALTH/bin/

                      I have attached a copy of the script that actually cycles the SMAT files.

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