
  • Creator
  • #53447
    Kevin Crist

      how do search for multiple criteria in smat? for example, how would i search if i wanted to find all messages that have CITA-LIS and SC ? I am not very good with regular expressions.

      Thanks for any help

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    • Author
      • #77733
        Earl Coppedge Jr


          will show messages containing CITA-LIS with SC somewhere after it.

        • #77734
          Robert Kersemakers

            Hi Kevin,

            I’m not great with regular expressions either, so for this I normally do two searched in SMAT. First I ‘Add specified messages…’ and ‘Include those’ that look like CITA-LIS. Then after that I ‘Remove specified messages…’ and ‘Do not include those’ that look like SC.

            The result is all messages with CITA-LIS and SC in the message, at whatever place.

            But I admit: if you have to do this 20 times, you’re way better off with a regular expression that you can copy/paste.

            Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

          • #77735
            bill bearden

              Earl gave you the reg ex for if the 2 strings you are searching for are on the same line. That is, put a .* between the two strings and it will find the first string, match any number of characters in between, and then find the second string.

              If you know that the two strings aren’t on the same line (or you aren’t sure), you can do something like this:


              This matches the first string. Then it matches any normal characters up to a new line. It will match multiple lines. Then it matches the second string somewhere in a line.

              In both of these cases, the assumption is that you only want to match if the CITA-LIS occurs before the SC in the message.

            • #77736
              Kevin Crist

                cool, thanks for your help. couple of questions: what if i am unsure of the placement of the fields i am looking for to put in order? also what if i have third criteria to search on?

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