Good morning! We are in the process of upgrading from CLIS 6.1.4 to and we have noticed the IDE, connecting Local or Remote, is much slower compared to 6.1.4. The Testing Tool takes three times as long to open. SMATDB can take much longer as well and often the PC mouse turns to the “spinning wheel” when in SMATDB (but not when on any other tab in the IDE.) Clicking on anything in the IDE can show lag, as if you didn’t click on it. Even just starting the IDE, sitting on the Application Loading… splash screen takes three times as long. If I didn’t have 6.1.4 to compare it to, I’d just think it’s a big, slow program but in comparison to this older version, it seems absolutely glacial for a 64-bit application. Has anyone on noticed this kind of slowness? Is there anything on the server itself that could be causing this? We don’t have an internal firewall so communication between the client and the server has no firewall issue (plus the IDE on the CL server itself is just as slow.) I’ve been told AV is excluding the \cloverleaf folder so it shouldn’t be that. Any ideas?