Slowness in Cloverleaf

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Slowness in Cloverleaf

  • Creator
  • #119356
    Timothy O’Donnell

      Good morning! We are in the process of upgrading from CLIS 6.1.4 to and we have noticed the IDE, connecting Local or Remote, is much slower compared to 6.1.4. The Testing Tool takes three times as long to open. SMATDB can take much longer as well and often the PC mouse turns to the “spinning wheel” when in SMATDB (but not when on any other tab in the IDE.) Clicking on anything in the IDE can show lag, as if you didn’t click on it. Even just starting the IDE, sitting on the Application Loading… splash screen takes three times as long. If I didn’t have 6.1.4 to compare it to, I’d just think it’s a big, slow program but in comparison to this older version, it seems absolutely glacial for a 64-bit application. Has anyone on noticed this kind of slowness? Is there anything on the server itself that could be causing this? We don’t have an internal firewall so communication between the client and the server has no firewall issue (plus the IDE on the CL server itself is just as slow.) I’ve been told AV is excluding the \cloverleaf folder so it shouldn’t be that. Any ideas?

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    • Author
      • #119357
        Peter Heggie

          Do you have Basic or Advanced security enabled? Could play a role in the slowness. I recall several posts about slowness maybe a year or so ago. I’m not up to speed on the Windows OS implementation.

          Peter Heggie

        • #119358
          James Cobane

            We upgraded to 20.1.1 from 6.2.2 in October. We are running on AIX. We noticed that changing sites is definitely slower, but not to the point where it is of a concern/hindrance. I’m not sure if there is anything that can be tweaked, but you may want to open an incident with Support. I have my JVM arguments set to -Xmx1024m on the Advanced tab in the Client Options, but not sure if that would help or not. Currently, we don’t have security turned on.

            Jim Cobane
            Henry Ford Health System

            • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by James Cobane.
          • #119360
            Timothy O’Donnell

              Right now we have Basic Security on. In 6.1.4, we had Advanced Security. OS is Windows Server 2019 for but Windows Server 2012 for 6.1.4. It just feels like a newer, 64-bit application shouldn’t be noticeably slower than a really old product.

            • #119361
              Timothy O’Donnell

                We have an incident open with R&D as we are still in the processing of upgrading with Infor and haven’t implemented anything in Production yet.

                I have the JVM Arguments as: Xmx2g I think just to see if that would help – nothing. RAM usage on the server is always on the higher side – and we just have test data so the message volume is MUCH lower than it would be in Production – but CPU usage doesn’t seem out of sorts either.


              • #119363
                Jeff Dawson

                  Thanks for sharing Timothy, we are looking at upgrading from CIS to CIS early next year. Will definitely keep an eye out to see how the new GUI performs.


                  • #119537
                    Timothy O’Donnell


                      I know this is an old thread but wondering if you’ve started your upgrade to and if you’ve noticed any performance differences between that and 6.2?


                    • #119538
                      Jeff Dawson

                        Hi Timothy,

                        Unfortunately with Covid it’s pushed our project timelines back specifically from the hardware side due to manufacturing delays.


                    • #119387
                      Jeff Dawson

                        Another option to take a look at is the OS version you are running. We had a team member who had to get a new laptop had slowness issues running on OS version Windows 10 20H2. They ended up switching to Windows 10 (21H2) which now runs the GUI without issue. When we start testing CIS this is something we’ll also test out.

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