A little background context before I get into my questions:
I’ve been an analyst for about 7 months now. I’m at a small shop where I am the only analyst here, and when I stepped into the position, I quickly realized our interfaces were pretty disjointed, and not at all intuitive. Procs were peppered around the site with no real organization, our inbound feeds were being filtered by the sending programs to custom suit what was needed at the time, which really hurt the scalability of the site. Thread names did not conform to the any convention.
Because of this, I’ve initiated a change in how our hospital is going to route data from our main software (Paragon) to our interface engine. Instead of multiple feeds, I’ve had McKesson create a main feed that supplies all of the messages we need. I’ve also changed the organizational aspect of our production site quite a bit to make it more intuitive. I’ve avoided any major pitfalls so far, but I do have some pretty broad questions about the structure.
– I’ve been to the TCL script section of the board and there seems to be a lot of good code. Most of it, however, seems to be focused on specific issues. What TCL scipts do you find yourself using as jack-of-all-trades scripts? I currently use scripts to pass/kill based on field values, change field values, and remove segments. I’m working on one that will use arguments to define the field to reference for a translation table, as the scripts we use point to specific fields for a table. What else is handy that I am missing?
– What’s the preference between Xlate’s and TCL scripts? I understand that they serve different purposes, but in that gray area, what do you prefer?
– For programs that are capable of handling all of the hospital ADT data, is it still better to filter off messages based on qualifying fields? If I use TCL procs to filter all of my messages, is it likely I see any performance issues with the engine? Most of our ADT data is routed using raw feeds that pass more data than is needed. I want to clean that up if it doesn’t negatively affect performance.
– Is uploading a screenshot of the Network Monitor an accepted practice on here, or do many sites not want to show their hand?
– I’ve reviewed some topics on here and found that many organizations put a soft cap on the number of threads per proc, and procs per site. What is the harm in having too many procs, relative to number of threads? I currently structure my procs around inbound threads and loopins. We have 7 large procs that revolve around inbound threads, as well as 2 large procs that revolve around loops. I also have 10 procs that contain only an inbound and outbound thread each. Should I consolidate some of these smaller procs?
– In general, are there any posts or links to information of this kind? I’m coming into my own with the X’s and O’s but still feel I’m lacking quite a bit by not being able to draw on experience.
Again, sorry for the novel. I just wanted to throw some feelers out. I appreciate any advice.
Thanks in advance.