Site Security info file

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Site Security info file


  • Creator
  • #118792

      We are in the process of upgrading to CL 19.1 and use several procs that look at all of our sites to determine which sites have smat encryption turned on since Infor moved those keys from siteInfo to siteSecurityInfo file we are no longer able to easily determine which sites have encryption turned on. Does anyone know of a way to access the encrypted siteSecurityInfo file?

      Yes I know I can go through the server admin tool but it would be so much easier for us to run our script and then do what we need to do in server admin.


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    • Author
      • #118793
        Charlie Bursell

          Try this:

          hcicrypt decyrpt -f file name


        • #118796
          Rob Abbott

            You can use the getDatabases CLAPI call.  The argument is a site name and the return will look something like this:

            “errorDbEncrypted”: true,
            “internalDbEncrypted”: true,
            “smatDbEncrypted”: true,
            “smatToDb”: true

            You can call this from curl if you want to put it in a script.

            One caveat; this call is part of the server-admin set of API calls and requires advanced security to function.  We do plan to reset this restriction to basic security or above in a future patch.

            Rob Abbott
            Cloverleaf Emeritus

          • #118797

              Thank you Charlie’s code worked like a charm.


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