single message to multiple messages (again)

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf single message to multiple messages (again)

  • Creator
  • #50360
    Kathy Riggle

      I’ve combed the archive and can’t find my exact configuration. We’ve been hammering it for two days and can’t figure it out!

      We get:                            We need:

      MSH                                 MSH

      PID                                  PID

      [{NTE}]                            [{NTE}]

      {                                      ORC

       ORC                               OBR

       OBR                               [{NTE}]

       [{NTE}]                          {

          {                                    OBX

             OBX                             [{NTE}}

             [{NTE}]                     }

           }                                New message


      We’ve got a group iteration on the first (inbound) ORC+ group. The second group iteration is on the OBX/NTE group. There’s a Continue, then a Suppress at the end of the message.

      Even using a Pathcopy with @null in the input field —

      @null  ->  2(0).1(%g2).OBX

      —we are still getting remnants of the previous OBX values in subsequent messages, if the number of results is less. I know it’s because it’s stuck in memory – I just can’t figure out how to eliminate it and go on to the next group. Is there a way to accomplish this while I still have some hair?

      Thanks. I will attach the whole translation, in case there is something really obvious that I’m missing.


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    • Author
      • #65754
        John Mercogliano


          Before your start the iteration of the OBX segments do a PATHCOPY @null to the whole OBX group and not just each segment.  The problem you are having is that some the orders have less OBX segments then the previous order so the extra OBX’s do not get iterated over.

          Hope this helps.

          John Mercogliano
          Sentara Healthcare
          Hampton Roads, VA

        • #65755
          Keith McLeod

            Did you mean Send and Suppress?  Send the message when you have completed the first pass through the segments you wish to send.  Then If you are trying to eliminate the iteration of the ORC group you just sent, before creating your next message you might use something like



            | send

            | pathcopy @null –> 2(0)


            i.e shorten to a common path for all of the message segments you wish to eliminate.  I am fairly certain that is what I have done… Hope this helps…

          • #65756
            Keith McLeod

              I wne t and check out some of the iterates I was using.  It looks like the suppress was actually used as the last command in the iterate at the ORC level.  So from my previous post slide up the suppress one level.

            • #65757
              Mark Freed


                I cannot thank you enough for your advice.  Your suggestion did the trick.

                Thanks again,

                Mark (Kathy’s minion)  ðŸ˜›

              • #65758
                Jim Kosloskey

                  I prefer CONTINUE to SEND  because SEND bypasses post Xlate processing. Now if there is no need for post Xlate processing no problem.

                  However, if later there is a need to add a post Xlate proc, it will not get executed with SEND and you could spend a fair amount of time figuring out what went wrong.

                  email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                • #65759
                  Robert Milfajt

                    Does CONTINUE keep an order to the messages sent out?

                    For example, I receive an reschedule (S13) message from Cadence, but my receiving system only knows cancel and new appointment, so I need to create an S15 and S12 and send them along, but I need the S15 to get there first.

                    My basic plan is to move S15 to the MSH.9 field, CONTINUE the message, then move S12 to MSH.9 and let the message fall through.  Will the S15 always be first?

                    Any advice would be appreciated,


                    Robert Milfajt
                    Northwestern Medicine
                    Chicago, IL

                  • #65760
                    Kathy Riggle

                      To the best of my knowledge and experience, yes. I have this principle in place on several translations and have never had the messages get out of order.

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