Single inbound to multiple outbound

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  • Creator
  • #49302
    Mark Perschbacher

      We currently have an inbound thread from one of our hosts that routes HL7 messages out to several outbound threads to foreign systems.   We now have an another host that is going to send HL7 messages out to the same foreign systems.  I checked the forum, and it looks like using multiserver to send messages from both internal hosts to the same inbound thread is not recommended.  What we will most likely do is set up a new inbound from our new host, but can I route these outbound messages to the same threads connected to the foreign hosts?

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    • Author
      • #61443
        Jim Kosloskey


          Yes you can.

          Based on your architecture, it is possible you may cross processes.

          Depending on your ‘religious’ beliefs that may be desireable or undesireable.

          Here we try to avoid cross process message deliver inside Cloverleaf(R).

          Just be aware that some systems want data from different sources to come on different ports – but you can do that as well.

          Jim Kosloskey

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #61444
          Mark Perschbacher

            Jim, it did occur to me that the vendors may very well request we send to a different port, and in that case, we have no choice.  Can you elaborate on what the issues with cross process delivery are?  The obvious concerns would seem to be message sequencing, and issues associated with the single save_ob proc dealing with two sending threads.

          • #61445
            Barb Dozier

              There is more over head when sending messages originating in one process to a thread in another process.  So some clients, ours and it sounds like Jim’s, are particular in keeping cross processing message flow to a minimum or non-existant if possible.  To accomplish this a couple extra threads are created but to us it is a cleaner way of doing things.  Not sure if Jim had other issues in mind.  The set up we have to deal with these situations is in site A: Inbound Thread -> Send Thread.  Send thread is defined as a TCP-IP client to local host and local port; site B: Receive Thread -> Outbound Thread.  The Receive thread is defined as a TCP-IP server with the port defined in the Send Thread.  The pdl for the send/receive threads shoudl be tcp_acknak.pdl instead of the typical mlp_tcp.pdl.

              We have a number of situations where multiple threads feed one outbound thread connecting to an ancillary system.  In one instance we have 7 threads feeding into one outbound thread.  There are no issues with the recover_33 scripts (save_ob_msg, resend_ob_msg, etc) in these situations.  It works quite nicely for us.

              Good Luck.

              Barb Dozier

            • #61446
              Mark Perschbacher

                Barb, the final scenario you descibe sounds very similar to what I am considering.  One inbound thread from a local host into Cloverlleaf that currently sends ORU out to several ancillary hosts.  The plan being to point another inbound thread from a different host to one of the existing ORU send threads.

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