single flat file record to multiple hl7 message

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf single flat file record to multiple hl7 message

  • Creator
  • #52212
    Yvonne Gaffney

      I have a flat file which I am using an Xlate to create an hl7 message.  In some cases I am getting multiple CPT codes which I need to create a separate hl7 message for each.  Can I use an iterate on a flat file?  If not what is the best way to make this happen.  Below is a sample record from my flat file with multiple CPT codes.

      CPT CHRGS /ATTENDING SIGNED/DXs|GOMEZ, CRYSEIDA|20896464|1100101578|DEAN, NATHAN P MD|50461|1415|1/5/2011|99291  99292  99292|^518.81^|^432.9|^747.81[/u][/b]

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    • Author
      • #73442
        Jim Kosloskey


          This looks like a HRL to me (possibly a combination of FRL and VRL or just VRL).

          Then the repeating VRL can be potentially specified in the HRL and that will allow you to iterate over the repeating portion.

          The details of the HRL configuration are dependent on the details of the inbound record layout – do you have that?

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #73443
          Yvonne Gaffney

            the vrl consists of

            charge type








            CPT_code (could be 1 or more of these)

            diag 1

            diag 2

            diag 3

            diag 4

            So if I understand I would need a separate vrl to define each CPT code combination I have.  I am not sure I totally understand.  😥

            But so that you understand I need to create an hl7 message for each CPT code I could have in the VRL file.

          • #73444
            Jim Kosloskey


              Based on what is presented, I think you have at least 3 options:

              1. build an HRL with 3 VRL definitions.

                The first VRL definition will be these:

                   charge type








                 The above would have a pipe (|) terminator and have one occurrence in  the HRL.

                 The second VRL would be your CPT codes. It would be space terminated with a single field and defined in the HRL to repeat based on the repetition characteristics.

                 The third VRL would be these:

                   diag 1

                   diag 2

                   diag 3

                   diag 4

                  The above would be pipe terminated fields.

              2. One VRL with the field being pipe delimited and the CPT field treated inside the Xlate as a list. You will need some Tcl here to pull each one of the list elements (CPT Codes) out of the field into a Temp Variable. Then using a list iteration and the trick of resetting the counter to 0 (zero) as long as there is a CPT list element to retrieve you can ITERATE through the List (%l1 could be your counter). With each of these iterations then you can build your HL/7 messages.

              3. Using all Tcl and parse the messag and build an HL/7 message doing everything in Tcl.

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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