I’m sad to say that my experience with moving SNA interfaces to another cloverleaf server has ended up being a time consuming process to get the first one working.
It has been such a pain for me that I keep an extra dummy production SNA interface handy that I can use to get working on the new server before moving the actual live SNA interfaces to a new server.
In my case changes also have to be made on the mainframe side to get the SNA interface working.
I have to depend on the mainframe admins to make those changes which adds more time until we get the first one working.
If you can move a SNA interface to another cloverleaf server that wasn’t running any SNA interfaces previously and get it working in a day then you are my hero.
IF you start by getting all the piecies in place configured and working for a production dummy SNA inteface on another cloverleaf server, then migrating each subsequent SNA interface can be done with less than 10 minutes of downtime for each one when the mainframe system admin is working with you at the same time on the phone.
Good luck with whatever choice you make.
Russ Ross