Shutdown/Restart scripts for AIX

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  • Creator
  • #48351
    Vamshi Mugu

      Happy Weekend!

      I know there have been several archived posts on this topic. But, since Quovadx is moving into a new location, the archives are not accessible (that’s what Rick Brown said).

      If you don’t mind, would someone be so generous as to share  automated scripts to shutdown processes, restart processes, archive messages, and cycle log files/smat for AIX 5.2/Qdx5.3, please?

      Any help with whatever the AIX folks use out there will be greatly appreciated.

      (I do not want to start from scratch)



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    • Author
      • #58384
        Ken Seachrist

          We took a script that Charlie Bursell provided and modified it to our needs.  It has been working fine.  Each night it takes the .msg and .idx old files and copies them to an archive directory using the date as an extension so we can identify them later.  We are currently only keeping 2 weeks worth, due to storage limitations.  If you think this might be something you can use, I would be glad to send it to you.  Are you using the failover scripts that QDXi provides?  They have shutdown and startup scripts with that as well.

        • #58385
          Vamshi Mugu

            Hi Ken,

            Thank you for your response. I did succeed in writing and testing startup/shutdown scripts (had to reduce the waiting time in waitForIt). We do not use the scripts provided by QDXi – do we need to buy them from QDX?

            We use TSM to backup file systems. It sounds like I need to turn on message saving in order to use your scripts. This is one thing I wanted to do because right now TSM only backs up config files as the message saving is not turned on.

            If you could send me those scripts, I would REALLY appreciate it.



          • #58386
            Ken Seachrist

              I don’t believe you need to buy those scripts.  They were provided by QDXi, but they don’t support them.  You are pretty much on your own with these, other than users who currently are using them.  we run it in a Cron job each night, but you can adapt to whatever configuration you want.  The code is pretty straight forward, but I would be glad to provide whatever help I can.  I will get them to you.  Please e-mail me where to send them.

            • #58387
              Vamshi Mugu

                Sorry, Ken, for the delay. I was moving into a new office.

                Please send the scripts to

                Thank you very much for your help!!

              • #58388
                Bill May

                  Just interested to hear how people manage the following

                  We have a nightly cron job which amongst other things does a log file cycle for each process, it also copies the .old files to an archive directory

                  This works fine unless the process is bounced for some reason during the day, this cycles log files but does not do the archive, hence log file data can be lost

                  I’m just looking at options to manage this, suggestions so far are

                  1. Have another cron which runs frequently looking for .old’s to arachive

                  2. Rather than use hcienginestop have a routine to do the archive then hcienginestop

                  Any other suggestions ?


                • #58389
                  Nathan Martin

                    You could try a startup proc (in one connection per process) that renames the .old file with a timestamp or counter.  Then have your nightly cron script look for those as well.

                  • #58390
                    Richard Hart


                      We have a logcycling script ( that searches for and ‘time stamps’ ‘.old’ files before cycling the log process.  We execute this from cron every fours hours

                      Our  ‘’  script loops over the processes within a site, stops them and calls the logzip script.

                      Our  ‘’ script loops over the processes within a site, calls the ‘logzip’ script and then starts the process.

                      I hope this helps

                    • #58391
                      Mark Thompson

                        Cloverleaf will retain multiple versions of process logs … starting in 5.4.  This clip is from the release notes.

                        2.11 Log files enhancement (9614)

                        Support has been added that allows log history to be a configurable feature for engine and monitord log files. When the log history feature is enabled, then more than one version of the log file is kept in the system for tracking.

                        - Mark Thompson

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