I’m attempting to connect to an external site via a fileset ftp thread using sftp. I see the error below in the log file showing the authentication failed and the file upload failed. The outbound thread is picking up the public key and private key from the correct location.
Please let me know your ideas on this one.
* About to connect() to emft.relayhealth.com port 22 (#0)
* Trying… * connected
* Connected to emft.relayhealth.com ( port 22 (#0)
* SSH authentication methods available: publickey,password
* Using ssh public key file /home/hci/.ssh/id_dsa.pub
* Using ssh private key file /home/hci/.ssh/id_dsa
* SSH public key authentication failed: Unable to initialize private key from file
* Initialized password authentication
* Authentication complete
* Upload failed: Permission denied (3/-31)
* Closing connection #0