SFTP File Size issue on an AIX server

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  • Creator
  • #116008
    Yvonne Gaffney

    I am trying to move a large file from our SFTP server to another SFTP server using our Cloverleaf which is on a AIX platform.   After about 1g we get the following message:
    ftp> get CD00212A0UY.ZIP
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for CD00212A0UY.ZIP (2495809173 bytes).
    CD00212A0UY.ZIP: short write
    No space left on device/filesize limit exceeded.

    We did have Unix Admin make changes to allow for unlimited file sizes.  Is this a AIX issue?  A Cloverleaf issue?  What can I do to get the Cloverleaf to be able to transfer these files?

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  • Author
    • #116009
      Jim Kosloskey

      Can you move this file using AIX SFTP command line commands?

      If not then Cloverleaf won’t be able to as well.

      I suppose it is possible the target system is causing the issue.

      email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #116010
      Yvonne Gaffney

      We did try moving the file using the AIX SFTP commands.

      ftp> get CD00212A0UY.ZIP
      200 PORT command successful.
      150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for CD00212A0UY.ZIP (2495809173 bytes).
      CD00212A0UY.ZIP: short write
      No space left on device/filesize limit exceeded


      We cannot even pick up the file 🙁

      Guess we need to find some AIX help?  Was hoping someone on here had already dealt with this so I would not have to go so far.

    • #116013
      Paul Bishop

      If you’re getting the error while sending the file, it looks like the destination system has a limit on file size and they would need to adjust there.  We send files of 2-3G using AIX SFTP all the time.  Other than having to change the timeout parameters in the script (uses Expect), we usually don’t have an issue.

      Paul Bishop
      Carle Foundation Hospital
      Urbana, IL

    • #116014
      Yvonne Gaffney

      We are getting the error trying to pick up the file (GET).

    • #116017
      Jim Kosloskey

      I know Cloverleaf builds a temporary file during FileSet Protocol operations which is kept locally but I am not sure if SFTP does the same.

      If it does then whatever was set for unlimited file size is not effective for you.

      I think this is an O/S issue.

      It has been quite a long while since I did any O/S work but I seem to recall there are potentially multiple places for that setting in some sort of hierarchy. There may be a system wide setting and the a User level setting (and perhaps intermediate layers) with the User level taking precedence over the system level.

      Perhaps other forum members have more of that knowledge.

      I could be completely wrong but I think your admins need to be involved in the troubleshooting and resolving of this issue.

      email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #116018
      Peter Heggie

      Very sorry to suggest some basic things – are you setting your local (receiving) directory to another folder, maybe on another file system, where you are sure there is enough space (df command) ? Not sure if the default behavior is to bring it into your home directory?

      Can you create your own 3G file on your server and move it to the target location? That would rule out some things.

      We also put large files on AIX using SFTP  but we do not get large files.

      Peter Heggie

    • #116024
      Paul Bishop

      In AIX you can issue the “ulimit -f” command and it will tell you the size limit allowed for files.  If there is a limit on it, edit the /etc/security/limits file (I believe you have to be signed in as root) and change the “fsize = ” under “default:” parameter to have a value of “-1”.  This will set it to unlimited.

      To have it take affect, the user must sign out/in.

      Paul Bishop
      Carle Foundation Hospital
      Urbana, IL

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