Sequential Number / Global Variable

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  • Creator
  • #53446
    Jon Melin

      Hello all,

      I can’t figure out a way of doing this. I am trying to create a sequential number to place in a certain segment. I need this number to be unique each time (so it has to remember the number it used in the last message).

      I was thinking of some sort of global variable that Cloverleaf could keep track of and use, but I can’t seem to find anything on it. I am just looking to have a number count up each time, without ever repeating.

      Please let me know if you are aware of anything and thank you in advance.

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    • Author
      • #77722
        Chris Williams


          If you want this value to survive shutdowns of various types, it needs to be disk-based rather than held in memory with a global. Check out the followoing tcl commands:

        • CtrCurrentValue




        • Chris

    • #77723
      Jim Kosloskey


        We use the counter file function provided with Cloverleaf.

        In Help under Refernce/Tcl Extensions/Counter Commands and Counter Extensions you will find documentation.

        email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

      • #77724
        Gary Atkinson

          Like those guys said  😆 Great thing to use if you need your MSH id number to be unique.

        • #77725
          Russ Ross

            I have an old clovertech post showing the use of the counter file technique previously mentioned by others

            Look at my proc called


            at this URL

                <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

            to see a tangible example of using the counter file technique then adapt to your needs if you like.

            Russ Ross

          • #77726
            Jon Melin

              Is it possible to make these calls within the TCL section of the XLATE or do I have to code it outside of the XLATE and call it?

              Do I just give it the path to the file and use the retrieve and increment variation? I am new to the external file calls.  

              Thank you

            • #77727
              Gary Atkinson

                if you going to use in the xlate, you can set up your own counter in the translation tool.  Then use MATH or whatever to change number.

                I am not sure if you can access a .ctr file from inside a the translation..never tried that.

              • #77728
                Jon Melin

                  Can I set up a number that is being counted up from within the translation tool that will persist? I need it to always remember the last number that was used. I was hoping to try to do it from within the XLATE TCL section.

                  Thank you

                • #77729
                  Gary Atkinson

                    the variable you use as the counter in the translation will reset.  try using global variable instead.

                  • #77730
                    Jim Kosloskey


                      I have a proc you can call inside an Xlate – just pass it parameters.

                      If you want it along with user doc – email me – my email is part of my profile

                      email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                    • #77731
                      Chris Williams


                        You’re trying to make this more complicated than it really is. You can use the Ctr* calls anywhere in the Xlate where you can use Tcl. The counter value is held on disk. If you don’t ever want the value to reset, then give it an impossibly large rollover value when you initialize it.

                      • #77732
                        Tom Rioux


                          I echo what Chris is saying.   Also, if you want your counter to start at a specific number, you can specify that when you initialize it.   You don’t have to start at 1, that is just the default.

                          Hope this helps….

                          Tom Rioux

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