i currently have an ADT thread called adt_ib and i have this interface sending outbound adt’s to 4 vendors using tcip, can i add another thread from adt_ib using protocol FTP?
If you are wanting to send the ADT’s that come into the existing IB thread to a new outbound that is FTP then, yea just setup the new outbound thread as FTP, configure the log-in and folder information for the FTP server. and then add the route to the IB Thread for whatever Trxids you want to go the the new OB thread.
I would suggest using a num file for the outbound FTP.
This will limit the potential of collision (you are writing to the file while someone is trying to pick it up). This would mean the receiving system has to be able to handle multiple files.
Even in this case some care should be used to try and mitigate the potential of collision (it still can happen with num file).
The mechanism you deploy to mitigate collision will depend somewhat on the capabilities of the receiving system.
email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.
To avoid collisions, you can define a ‘Temporary File’ in your FTP Protocol Properties. You can even put in a different directory on the FTP-server, so the temporary file will be written first in this separate directory. After the file is complete, the file will be renamed/moved to the real (outbound) directory and the correct filename.
Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands
To emulate the functionality of the older numfile protocol, you can use the the ‘fileset_numfile_out’ proc (found under the ‘contrib’ directory) in the outbound data context to create the numbered files. You could modify this to fit your needs.
I have a fairly detailed example showing how to configure cloverleaf to produce numfiles at this URL that might help you gain the extra clarity and specifics you are seeking: