Semding to MSMQ

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  • Creator
  • #49984
    Mary Leuchtmann

      Has anyone successfully done an interface to MSMQ?

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    • Author
      • #64386
        James Cobane


          We have a few MQSeries interfaces.  There is some set-up required at the OS level (installation/configuration of the MQ software and queue definitions), and then the protocol configuration within Cloverleaf (NetConfig).  E-mail me and we can set-up a time to discuss.  Depending on what questions you (or a Sys Admin) may have, I may need to pull-in another resource.


          Jim Cobane

          Henry Ford Health

        • #64387
          Rob Abbott

            MSMQ is not the same as MQ Series

            MSMQ = a microsoft product

            MQ Series = an IBM product

            Cloverleaf has support for MQ Series.  It does not support MSMQ.

            Rob Abbott
            Cloverleaf Emeritus

          • #64388
            Mary Leuchtmann

              Rob Abbott wrote:

              MSMQ is not the same as MQ Series

              MSMQ = a microsoft product

              MQ Series = an IBM product

              Cloverleaf has support for MQ Series.

            • #64389
              Richard Hart


                We have a Clinical System, with MSMQ as its messaging backbone.

                In our communication, the MSMQ sockets can only send or receive messages (with MLLP encapsulation).  

                An MSMQ receiving socket will send a TCP ACK/NAK to indicate that all is OK or not.

                An MSMQ sending socket expects a TCP ACK/NAK to indicate that all is OK or not.

                We wrote a PDL for this and apart from windows issues with high volume and load, it works well.

                We don’t, but it is possible In Cloverleaf to route ‘message ACKS’ to create a ‘full-duplex’ Cloverleaf sending thread.

              • #64390
                Jim Kosloskey


                  Are you saying the Clinical System is using MSMQ and MSMQ is capable of connecting directly to tcp/ip sockets?

                  Or is there some software on the Windows platform that sits between MSMQ and the sockets?

                  The reason I ask is we are exploring exchanging information directly with the MSMQ portion of BizTalk and we dod not know if MSMQ can directly talk to tcp/ip and what if anything more needs to be done.


                  email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                • #64391
                  Richard Hart

                    Hi Jim.

                    >Are you saying the Clinical System is using MSMQ and MSMQ is capable of connecting directly to tcp/ip sockets?

                    >Or is there some software on the Windows platform that sits between MSMQ and the sockets?

                    I don’t know the application configuration, but it uses MSMQ for all message queuing.  It may be a plugin that provides the TCP connectivity, all I know is that it requires MLLP encapsulation and only provides a TCP level (one character) ACK, which suggests its a generic rather than HL7 specific.

                  • #64392
                    Jim Kosloskey


                      Thanks for the info. I think you are correct it is probably a plug-in based on my reading.

                      All the best

                      email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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