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Any help would be appreciated.
Yes – as I reecall it is a no-cost license. Check with your Infor person.
email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.
Could that policy have changed over the years? Maybe I misread other posts previously that seemed to imply that, although FTP comes with the base product, SFTP requires a purchased add-on component. I’m not sure what the add-on component is. Or is this something else?
Peter Heggie
There is an add-on which I think covers both SSL and SFTP.
I believe it is a no-cost add-on but must be ordered and licensed – again your account rep is the best source of that information.
email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.
Unfortunately we have to go through McKesson so not sure if it will be same as Infor. I have requested the information. Will let you know what i find
Hmmm. I thought there were costs involved with this.
Kevin: if you need some scripts to use sftp without these add-on but with expect and sftp-capabilities of the OS, just let me know. Depends on your OS though; we are on RHEL.
Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands
I thought there were costs also. I have a call scheduled for Friday with our rep to find out.
We do have batch scripts to perform SFTP which work fine, but prefer to incorporate as much as possible inside a Cloverleaf interface.
Peter Heggie
These are UPOC tcl scripts to get/put messages/files through sftp. Have a look and see if you can use them or change them to your own needs. They work for us, but no guarantee they work for others. Based on a few scripts I got off this site from Max Drown.
# Name: orbis_sftp_in
# Purpose: Custom protocol for receiving messages via sftp
# Put this proc in UPOC to read the files from sftp.
# Also put this in TPS Inbound Data to pass the original
# filename of the file. This is done through a global
# ‘orbis_sftp_filenames’ which is a list of filenames.
# UPoC type: tps
# Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:
# MODE run mode (”start”, “run” or “time”)
# MSGID message handle
# ARGS user-supplied arguments:
# SFTPSERVER – sftp server hostname or IP
# SFTPUSER – sftp user name
# SFTPPWD – sftp user password
# SFTPDIR – sftp directory where to get files; all files are taken!!
# SFTPFILTER – simpel filter (like ‘*.txt’ or ‘*log*.txt’) to get certain files.
# Default: ‘*’ (= all files in directory).
# BACKUPDIR – directory (local, so should be available by Cloverleaf) where a copy of the files are placed
# Default: empty, so no backup is made
# LOCALDIR – local directory where files are temporarily saved
# TMPDIR – local tmp directory where expect script is written; should be different from LOCALDIR!
# Default: ${HCIROOTDIR}/temp
# EXPECTSN – Expect script name (temp)
# DEBUG – Debug information level (default = 0)
# Returns: tps disposition list:
proc orbis_sftp_in { args } {
keylget args MODE mode ;# Fetch mode
keylget args ARGS uargs ;# Get user arguments
keylget args CONTEXT ctx ;# Context
global HciConnName HciRootDir HciSiteDir orbis_sftp_filenames
set debug 0 ; keylget uargs DEBUG debug
if { ! [info exists HciConnName] } {
set HciConnName “UNKNOWN_TD”
set procName [lindex [info level 0] 0]
set module “$HciConnName: $procName”
set dispList {} ;# Nothing to return
switch -exact — $mode {
start {
# Perform special init functions
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
# Initialiseer de global ‘orbis_sftp_filenames’
set orbis_sftp_filenames {}
if {$debug > 0} {
echo “Start – orbis_sftp_filenames: ”
run {
# ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
# Neem het eerste element van global ‘orbis_sftp_filenames’ als naam.
# Indien deze global leeg is, dan een tijdelijke naam verzinnen.
keylget args MSGID mh
set filename [lvarpop orbis_sftp_filenames 0]
# Indien geen originele filenaam, dan filenaam maken
if {[string length $filename] 0} {
echo “Run – filename: ”
time {
# Timer-based processing
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
# sftp user name
keylget uargs SFTPUSER user
if { ![info exists user] } {
error “$module Please set up SFTPUSER parameter”
# sftp password
keylget uargs SFTPPWD password
if { ![info exists password] } {
error “$module Please set up SFTPPWD parameter”
# sftp host name
keylget uargs SFTPSERVER host
if { ![info exists host] } {
error “$module Please set up SFTPSERVER”
# sftp dir name
keylget uargs SFTPDIR dir
if { ![info exists dir] } {
error “$module Please set up SFTPDIR”
# sftp filter
set filter “*”
keylget uargs SFTPFILTER filter
# backup dir
set backupdir “”
keylget uargs BACKUPDIR backupdir
if { ([string length $backupdir] > 0) && ![file isdirectory $backupdir] } {
error “$module BACKUPDIR ${backupdir} does not exist”
# local dir name
keylget uargs LOCALDIR localdir
if { ![info exists localdir] || ![file isdirectory $localdir] } {
error “$module Please set up LOCALDIR”
# tmp dir name
set tmpdir [file join ${HciRootDir} temp]
keylget uargs TMPDIR tmpdir
if { ![file isdirectory $tmpdir] } {
error “$module Please set up TMPDIR”
# Expect script name
keylget uargs EXPECTSN expectSN
if { ![info exists expectSN] } {
# Bepaal uniek nummer om bestandsnaam uniek te maken
set ctrfile “orbis_sftp_in_icr”
if ![file exists “$ctrfile.ctr”] {
CtrInitCounter $ctrfile file 1 10000 1
# Get next counter value
set number [CtrNextValue $ctrfile file]
set expectSN “sftp_in_tmpscript_${number}”
set esn [file join ${tmpdir} ${expectSN}]
# Haal nu de bestanden via sftp uit de genoemde directory op
# en zet deze in de localdir.
# create expect script
set es [open $esn w]
# Zet de timeout op 60 seconden
puts $es “set timeout 60”
# Start sftp
puts $es “spawn sftp $user@$host”
# Wacht op wachtwoord en voer dit in
puts $es “expect {”
puts $es ” “password:” {send “$password\r”}”
puts $es ” “Connection closed” return”
puts $es “}”
puts $es “expect {”
puts $es ” timeout {exit 1}”
puts $es ” “sftp>””
puts $es “}”
# Ga lokaal naar local directory
puts $es “send “lcd $localdir\r””
puts $es “expect {”
puts $es ” timeout {exit 1}”
puts $es ” “sftp>””
puts $es “}”
# Ga remote naar de sftp directory
puts $es “send “cd $dir\r””
puts $es “expect {”
puts $es ” “Couldn’t canonicalise: No such file or directory” {exit 1}”
puts $es ” timeout {exit 1}”
puts $es ” “sftp>””
puts $es “}”
# Haal de bestanden via de filter op en controleer of ophalen goed is gegaan
puts $es “send “mget $filter\r””
puts $es “expect {”
puts $es ” timeout {exit 1}”
puts $es ” “sftp>””
puts $es “}”
puts $es “send “bye\r””
puts $es “expect eof”
flush $es
close $es
if {$debug > 1} {
echo “expect script:[exec cat $esn]”
# execute expect
set retVal [exec $HciRootDir/tcl/bin/expect $esn]
puts “$module retVal: ”
if { [info exists errorCode] } {
puts “$module errorCode: ”
file delete $esn
# Verwerken van eventueel zojuist opgehaalde bestanden
# Bestanden moeten daarna weer verwijderd worden via SFTP; via removelist
set removelist {}
# Haal de bestanden op uit de localdir
# Directories krijgen door de -1 (min [code]######################################################################
# Name: orbis_sftp_in
# Purpose: Custom protocol for receiving messages via sftp
# Put this proc in UPOC to read the files from sftp.
# Also put this in TPS Inbound Data to pass the original
# filename of the file. This is done through a global
# ‘orbis_sftp_filenames’ which is a list of filenames.
# UPoC type: tps
# Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:
# MODE run mode (”start”, “run” or “time”)
# MSGID message handle
# ARGS user-supplied arguments:
# SFTPSERVER – sftp server hostname or IP
# SFTPUSER – sftp user name
# SFTPPWD – sftp user password
# SFTPDIR – sftp directory where to get files; all files are taken!!
# SFTPFILTER – simpel filter (like ‘*.txt’ or ‘*log*.txt’) to get certain files.
# Default: ‘*’ (= all files in directory).
# BACKUPDIR – directory (local, so should be available by Cloverleaf) where a copy of the files are placed
# Default: empty, so no backup is made
# LOCALDIR – local directory where files are temporarily saved
# TMPDIR – local tmp directory where expect script is written; should be different from LOCALDIR!
# Default: ${HCIROOTDIR}/temp
# EXPECTSN – Expect script name (temp)
# DEBUG – Debug information level (default = 0)
# Returns: tps disposition list:
proc orbis_sftp_in { args } {
keylget args MODE mode ;# Fetch mode
keylget args ARGS uargs ;# Get user arguments
keylget args CONTEXT ctx ;# Context
global HciConnName HciRootDir HciSiteDir orbis_sftp_filenames
set debug 0 ; keylget uargs DEBUG debug
if { ! [info exists HciConnName] } {
set HciConnName “UNKNOWN_TD”
set procName [lindex [info level 0] 0]
set module “$HciConnName: $procName”
set dispList {} ;# Nothing to return
switch -exact — $mode {
start {
# Perform special init functions
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
# Initialiseer de global ‘orbis_sftp_filenames’
set orbis_sftp_filenames {}
if {$debug > 0} {
echo “Start – orbis_sftp_filenames: “
run {
# ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
# Neem het eerste element van global ‘orbis_sftp_filenames’ als naam.
# Indien deze global leeg is, dan een tijdelijke naam verzinnen.
keylget args MSGID mh
set filename [lvarpop orbis_sftp_filenames 0]
# Indien geen originele filenaam, dan filenaam maken
if {[string length $filename] <= 0} {
set ctrfile “sftp_filename_in_icr”
if ![file exists “${ctrfile}.ctr”] {
CtrInitCounter $ctrfile file 1 100000000 1
# Get next counter value
set counter [list [CtrNextValue $ctrfile file]]
set filename “TEMP_FILENAME_${counter}”
set driverctl “{FILESET {{OBFILE $filename}}}”
msgmetaset $mh DRIVERCTL $driverctl
lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”
if {$debug > 0} {
echo “Run – filename: “
time {
# Timer-based processing
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
# sftp user name
keylget uargs SFTPUSER user
if { ![info exists user] } {
error “$module Please set up SFTPUSER parameter”
# sftp password
keylget uargs SFTPPWD password
if { ![info exists password] } {
error “$module Please set up SFTPPWD parameter”
# sftp host name
keylget uargs SFTPSERVER host
if { ![info exists host] } {
error “$module Please set up SFTPSERVER”
# sftp dir name
keylget uargs SFTPDIR dir
if { ![info exists dir] } {
error “$module Please set up SFTPDIR”
# sftp filter
set filter “*”
keylget uargs SFTPFILTER filter
# backup dir
set backupdir “”
keylget uargs BACKUPDIR backupdir
if { ([string length $backupdir] > 0) && ![file isdirectory $backupdir] } {
error “$module BACKUPDIR ${backupdir} does not exist”
# local dir name
keylget uargs LOCALDIR localdir
if { ![info exists localdir] || ![file isdirectory $localdir] } {
error “$module Please set up LOCALDIR”
# tmp dir name
set tmpdir [file join ${HciRootDir} temp]
keylget uargs TMPDIR tmpdir
if { ![file isdirectory $tmpdir] } {
error “$module Please set up TMPDIR”
# Expect script name
keylget uargs EXPECTSN expectSN
if { ![info exists expectSN] } {
# Bepaal uniek nummer om bestandsnaam uniek te maken
set ctrfile “orbis_sftp_in_icr”
if ![file exists “$ctrfile.ctr”] {
CtrInitCounter $ctrfile file 1 10000 1
# Get next counter value
set number [CtrNextValue $ctrfile file]
set expectSN “sftp_in_tmpscript_${number}”
set esn [file join ${tmpdir} ${expectSN}]
# Haal nu de bestanden via sftp uit de genoemde directory op
# en zet deze in de localdir.
# create expect script
set es [open $esn w]
# Zet de timeout op 60 seconden
puts $es “set timeout 60”
# Start sftp
puts $es “spawn sftp $user@$host”
# Wacht op wachtwoord en voer dit in
puts $es “expect {”
puts $es ” “password:” {send “$password\r”}”
puts $es ” “Connection closed” return”
puts $es “}”
puts $es “expect {”
puts $es ” timeout {exit 1}”
puts $es ” “sftp>””
puts $es “}”
# Ga lokaal naar local directory
puts $es “send “lcd $localdir\r””
puts $es “expect {”
puts $es ” timeout {exit 1}”
puts $es ” “sftp>””
puts $es “}”
# Ga remote naar de sftp directory
puts $es “send “cd $dir\r””
puts $es “expect {”
puts $es ” “Couldn’t canonicalise: No such file or directory” {exit 1}”
puts $es ” timeout {exit 1}”
puts $es ” “sftp>””
puts $es “}”
# Haal de bestanden via de filter op en controleer of ophalen goed is gegaan
puts $es “send “mget $filter\r””
puts $es “expect {”
puts $es ” timeout {exit 1}”
puts $es ” “sftp>””
puts $es “}”
puts $es “send “bye\r””
puts $es “expect eof”
flush $es
close $es
if {$debug > 1} {
echo “expect script:[exec cat $esn]”
# execute expect
set retVal [exec $HciRootDir/tcl/bin/expect $esn]
puts “$module retVal: “
if { [info exists errorCode] } {
puts “$module errorCode: “
file delete $esn
# Verwerken van eventueel zojuist opgehaalde bestanden
# Bestanden moeten daarna weer verwijderd worden via SFTP; via removelist
set removelist {}
# Haal de bestanden op uit de localdir
# Directories krijgen door de -1 (min
Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands
that is a cool script! thank you. I’ve never done expect like that, and never used a time mode.
Peter Heggie
First have a look if you can use this on your OS. Expect needs a bit of getting used-to and there are still parts where I think I could have done a better job when catching certain errors.
You need to do this in timed mode, as you want to have Cloverleaf check every x seconds for new files/messages.
Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands
Have any of you guys any experience using expect sftp with keys? I cannot get it to work as it telling me it cannot find my private key which is located in /home/hci/.ssh. It works from the unix command line but not in expect. thanks in advance if you can help.
I talked to my sales rep and he confirmed it is not a free add-on. With the low number of SFTP interfaces, I will use the ‘expect’ approach.
As far as keys, the only experience I have with SFTP keys is on AIX. The very first time we connect to a new SFTP host, we do it manually at the command line (doing it manually first is always a good practice – thank you everyone who has recommended that method over the years). On AIX, the SFTP package prompts you for saving the key. We respond yes or whatever the actual response is (I forget the exact syntax). The key gets stored somewhere and we never have to worry about it again. We don’t reference it in any way – the OS takes care of it. After that, we can run SFTP in a script.
At the command line, we type:
I think I remember that this is where the key store prompt is issued. After you respond yes or take the default, then the session continues with the password handshake –
the response is a prompt for a password. After entering the password, the session behaves pretty much like an FTP session.
But I assume that there are many kinds of SFTP implementations so your mileage may vary.
The URL looks something like this:
But in the batch script, the format is more like this:
spawn /usr/bin/sftp -oPort= $userid
where userid = the above URL
then we get into the expect commands and look for the password prompt and do a send command with the password and carriage return. etc.
Hope that helps
Peter Heggie
IF it hasn’t already been mentioned, look for the command autexpect and confirm the top line is correct.
We use PERL scripts on our AIX server to send and retrieve files from SFTP servers. If you are interested in this I can send them to you. It works really well for us and we just setup cron jobs to run them as often as we need to.