script to restart daemon for alert

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf script to restart daemon for alert

  • Creator
  • #120745

      cloverleaf alerts not working,
      so I have to manually restart the daemon,
      is it possible to have a script that launches a restart of the daemons on all environments.
      Thank you for your help.

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    • Author
      • #120746
        James Cobane

          You can script a re-start of the monitor daemon with the following command:

          hcisitectl -r m -d 10 -A “m=-cl default.alrt”

          where -r specifies restart and the ‘m’ specifies the monitor daemon

          where the -d 10 is the ‘delay’ and 10 is 10 seconds

          -A is the alert file to use.  I believe if you omit the -A parameter it will used the default.alrt file by default.

          You would need to run this for each site (i.e. setsite xxxx before running the command)

          Hope this helps.

          Jim Cobane – Henry Ford Health

          • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by James Cobane.
          • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by James Cobane.
        • #120749

            thank you very much, it works,
            can you translate this command line for me:

            call hcisitectl -s m -A “m=-cl vierge.alrt”

            call hcisitectl –k m

            call hcisitectl -s m

          • #120750
            Robert Kersemakers

              First line starts monitor daemon with file ‘vierge.alrt’.
              Second line stops/kills monitor daemon.
              Third line starts monitor daemon. No file indicated, so ‘default.alrt’ is used.

              Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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