Sanity Check – Is this a bug Source empty gives xlateInVals variable not found.

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Sanity Check – Is this a bug Source empty gives xlateInVals variable not found.

  • Creator
  • #121710
    Jim Kosloskey

      Cloverleaf 2209.

      In an xltp type Tcl proc, I am upvaring xlateInVals (and other objects) as normal, then checking xlateInVals to see if it is empty by using llength and I get no variable defined error for xlateInVals when indeed the Source is empty in the Xlate Action invoking the proc.

      I thought when the Source was empty xlateInVals would be null and llength of a null variable would result in zero – not the variable undefined.

      Is this a bug or has it always been this way? I don’t recall it being this way in past releases of Cloverleaf.

      If someone is on an older release of Cloverleaf and could verify the Source empty results in xlateInVals null not ‘variable not defined condition’ that would help determine if this is potentially a bug in 2209 and help me check my sanity.

      email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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    • Author
      • #121712
        Charlie Bursell

          Variables in Xlate are NOT Tcl variables.

        • #121716
          Jim Kosloskey

            Interestingly, when I do the same activity for xlateInList all is as expected. This leads me to suspect that when the Source is empty, there is no xlateOutVals to upvar.

            email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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