rtf files in mdm_t02 message

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf rtf files in mdm_t02 message

  • Creator
  • #47600
    Keith McLeod

      I have a report sent from Surgical Information Systems.  The report is sent in the OBX segment of the MDM_T02 message.

      They look like this:

      0(0).OBX(0).00573(0)  :  >RTF^^^^{rtf1ansiansicpg1252deff0deflang1033{fonttbl{f0fswiss Arial;}{f1froman Times New Roman;}}{colortbl;red0green0blue0;<0xa>}{info{author Crystal Reports}}paperw12240paperh15840marg….

      The problem is when they hit the magic 64K limit.  I need to break this report up.  The entire report is in OBX:5.  What are the break points to even consider breaking this into multiple OBX segments?

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    • Author
      • #56218
        Boris Perov


          Do you need to parse the message?  I was able to modify one of these messages while routing it through a RAW passthrough.  I made whatever changes I needed to it in a TCL that I included as part of the Raw routing screen on the NetConfig tool…  I was even able to send a 360k document across this way.

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