I am to send ADT’s to a system whenever PID.4 and PID.21 are not populated with an ID like ECW1234 or ECW9876. The absense of an ID that starts with “ECW” qualifies the message as an inpatient/er patient’s ADT. However, all systems including the system that I am routing the ADT to, do not want the string “ECW” in front, only the ID or the numeric part.
Currently in production, we are removing “ECW” in front of the ID’s in PID.4 and PID.21 with a tcl proc in the Inbound TPS on the adt_in thread (or source thread). Can I use the message metadata USERDATA to mark my ADT with the string “inpat_er_pat” or something like that and then use a KILL condition based on the value in USERDATA on the route detail in the same thread as above to filter out inpatient/er patients? I can put this new proc in the Inbound TPS Stack before the proc that takes out the “ECW”. Will this work? Will the string I put in the USERDATA “stick” to the metadata in the route detail?