Routing Multiple MSH9

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  • #55582
    Jon Melin


    We are implementing EPIC and they seem to send ADT messages with multiple trxid in the same MSH9. Something like this (two different examples):

    0(0).MSH(0).#9(0)  :  >ADT^A04^ADT_A01< 0(0).MSH(0).#9(0)  :  >ADT^A01^ADT_A01< Cloverleaf keeps telling me I don’t have routes defined for those trxid: [xlt :rout:ERR /0:EPIC_ADT_xlate:01/09/2018 12:45:13] No routes defined for TrxId ‘ADT_A04_ADT_A01’ [xlt :rout:ERR /0:EPIC_ADT_xlate:01/09/2018 12:45:13] No routes defined for TrxId ‘ADT_A01_ADT_A01’ What I would like to do is route a message anytime I see A01, for example. Obviously I’ll want to do this with other types. I’ve tried some wildcard values from the forum and I can’t seem to get them to work. I’ve tried something like this: ADT.A(01|04), but it still doesn’t like it. I believe because of the 2 MSH9. Essentially I would like it to send if it sees A01 in any part of the TrxId at all. first MSH9 or second. Any suggestions? Any wildcard regexp I can use for that? Thank you, Jon

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  • Author
    • #85810
      Paul Bishop

      not a cloverleaf thing, but look into profile variable “SEND_MSH_MESSAGE_STRUCTURE” on your ADT queue in epic.  Setting to false will only send the first two sub-components in MSH-9.

      Paul Bishop
      Carle Foundation Hospital
      Urbana, IL

    • #85811
      Keith McLeod

      Try a wildcard route using


    • #85812
      Keith McLeod

      Be sure to check Wildcard in the configuration.

    • #85813
      Jon Melin

      Alright, that make sense. That is helpful, and I agree I think I should be careful about not routing unwanted things.

      EPIC said the first part of the MSH9 is the actual trigger, and the second part is the message structure/format I believe. So that means I would essentially want to look at the first part. Does that sound right? Like you said below with ADT_A01.*


      In your example of the SIU messages, would I just route that as an S12, and essentially ignore the ADT_A01 at the end?

      Thank you,


    • #85814
      Keith McLeod

      You still need to account for the 3rd component by using SIU_S12.*

      This will match SIU_S12 messages or messages where begins with SIU_S12.  Once you include patterns you must use the Wildcard setting.  Otherwise it will try to do an exact match.

    • #85815
      Jim Kosloskey

      I think simpler in Cloverleaf (5.8 and later I think) is to use the Field level TrxID determination feature.

      Select MSH-9.1 and 9.2 that will give you what you need.

      By the way that MSH-9 structure introduced I believe in HL/7 2.5 or 2.6 is very useful and I would be hesitant to eliminate it from the source message.

      The third field is telling you what format was used as a base to create the Message/Event Type you are receiving.

      I don’t think there is any need for any exotic Wild card or regexp routing for this.

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #85816
      Steve Pringle

      We’re running Epic 2015 and we were told by our Epic counterparts to set the HL7 version id to 2.4.

      We also set the Epic profile variable “SEND_MSH_MESSAGE_STRUCTURE” on our ADT queues (as Paul Bishop suggested) to false,  so ADT^A04^ADT_A01 is sent out as ADT^A04.

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