Routing internally generated message

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  • Creator
  • #48780
    Rick Martin

      I’m generating an internal message (msgcreate) in a tps Inbound Reply proc with a key value and the ACK response code from the reply (in order to update a database with the response code).  

      Previously I was routing this internal message in a static raw route to a single thread.  Now, I need to route it to either one thread or another based on userdata.  Can I do that (how do I set the TrxID)?  Or should I just route it to both threads and have the threads determine if it should process the message or not.

      Thanks, Rick

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    • Author
      • #59654
        garry r fisher


          The simplest way would be to write a trxid procedure into the ‘trx id determination format’ of the inbound tab and then route by the trxid.

          Hope this helps.


        • #59655
          Jim Kosloskey


            IF this is an HL/7 (or other structured message) and IF you are placing your custom message type in the appropriate location in the message, you can simply do a TrxId for HL/7 (for example) and add your custom message type to the routing list.

            No Tcl needed.

            Jim Kosloskey

            email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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