reset stats for status thread

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf reset stats for status thread

  • Creator
  • #120755

      I want to clean up the use of cloverleaf,
      when I click on status, on a thread,
      I have very large numbers for the following lines:
      msgs out, bytes out, xlated, …
      I would like to reset these counters,
      is there a command to do this on a thread,
      and then on an entire site.
      Thank you for your help.

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by petitPadawan.
    Viewing 16 reply threads
    • Author
      • #120757
        Gene Millard

          This does the entire site

          hcimsiutil -Z    reset statistics on thread status

          hcimsiutil -X    reset statistics without resetting times hciss -s

          The Guthrie Clinic
          Sayre, PA

        • #120758
          Paul Bishop

            Look at the hcimsiutil command.  It has options to zero just the counts or the counts and the times, and you can do it by thread, process or the whole site.

            Paul Bishop
            Carle Foundation Hospital
            Urbana, IL

          • #120759
            James Cobane

              To reset the stats on a thread, the command is:

              hcimsiutil -zt threadnamehere

              To reset all threads in a site:

              hcimsiutil -Z

              If you type hcimsiutil -h at the command prompt, you can get a list of options

              Jim Cobane – Henry Ford Health

              • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by James Cobane.
            • #120761
              Jim Kosloskey

                If you want to do this in Tcl or a script, check out hcimsiutil in help.

                From the NetMonitor, right mouse button click on process (for all the threads in the process) or an individual thread, then select ‘full’, then ‘reset statistics’.

                email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

              • #120762

                  thank you for your help, the commands work, but I can’t find in the GUI the reset button statistic

                  • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by petitPadawan.
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                • #120765
                  Jim Kosloskey

                    What release of Cloverleaf?

                    email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

                  • #120820

                      version 6.1

                    • #120822
                      Jim Kosloskey

                        Yes I don’t believe that release has it at the thread level but it might at the process level. In any case, if not at the GUI, hcimsiutil is what you need.

                        email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

                      • #120823

                          thank you very much

                        • #120824

                            could you tell me if there is an interest in terms of performance on cloverleaf processes on the fact of resetting statistics?
                            we have stats that have never been reset for 5 years

                            • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by petitPadawan.
                          • #120826
                            Jim Kosloskey

                              If your question is does resetting the stats affect performance, I would say very little since the stats are memory resident. Of course, there is some consumption as the reset runs.

                              If your question relates to does the increasing stats cause a performance issue, I would say no.

                              Others may have more pertinent information.

                              email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

                            • #120827

                                Thank you, my manager said that this does not affect performance in any way, and therefore there is no point in taking the action.

                              • #120828
                                Jim Kosloskey

                                  Well, the statistics can have value when analyzing integrations and also in troubleshooting. So, it could be helpful to periodically reset the statistics.

                                  email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

                                • #120833

                                  set thread_details [exec hciconnstatus -c “RIS_HIS_OB”]

                                  puts $thread_details


                                  I was trying to get the details of the thread using the above command in tcl code (Cloverleaf), but it throws the error below.But the same code is working and giving output in cloverleaf shell window. Anyone please advise me for the solution .

                                  [0:TEST] Tcl error:
                                  msgId = message0
                                  proc = ‘test’
                                  args = ”
                                  result = ‘couldn’t execute “hciconnstatus”: no such file or directory’
                                  errorInfo: ‘
                                  couldn’t execute “hciconnstatus”: no such file or directory
                                  while executing
                                  “exec hciconnstatus -c RIS_HIS_OB”
                                  (procedure “test” line 35)

                                • #120834
                                  Jim Kosloskey

                                    Is your Tcl code running in the engine or at the command line?

                                    If at the command line, it is possible the appropriate environment variables are not set prior to execution for the O/S to locate hciconnstatus.

                                    email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

                                  • #120835
                                    Charlie Bursell

                                      What OS?  In Windows hciconnstatus is called via a bat script which in turn calls a Tcl script.  So in Windows you may get by with something like:
                                      set x [exec hciconnstatus.bat  -c <thread>]

                                      In Linux or Unix you call the tcl script direct but then must capture stdout by doing something like:
                                      set x [hciconnstatus > $foo]

                                      Then set myvar  [read_file $foo] ; file delete foo

                                      In any case you still have to parse the output.

                                      If you are really interested in doing this from Tcl, make a copy of the $HCIROOT/bin/hciconnstatus file and modify to what you want to do


                                      • #120836

                                        Hi Charlie and Jim

                                        It is running in windows .I write TCL proc and calling that TCL proc in alert configuration for  managing the threads .

                                        I identified the issue , it was due to a file named hciconnstatus.bat file was not found in the path [C:\cloverleaf\cis19.1\integrator\bin  ]. It was an older version of cloverleaf .I  created the file in the path and hence it is resolved.



                                        @echo off
                                        REM COPYRIGHT 2019 INFOR. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
                                        %HCIROOT%/bin/hcitcl.exe %HCIROOT%/bin/ %*


                                        Thanks for your support

                                    • #120840
                                      Rob Lindsey

                                        As for the Stats:  We reset them every night.  It lets us know what we do from day to day.   We analyze trends and such.  It also lets us know when a system goes off the rails and sends us too many or too few.  There is a lot to be said about the Stats.



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