reset number of error in thread status

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf reset number of error in thread status

  • Creator
  • #120818

      in cloverleaf on a thread, I have 1000 error messages, so I delete the errors in the error database, when I run the command to count the number of errors I have 0, however on the thread, when I do status, I still have 1000 errors, how do I refresh this counter?

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    • Author
      • #120819
        Jim Kosloskey

          Try ‘reset statistics’ from thread or Process Netmonitor GUI control or check out hcimsiutil ommand in help.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #120821
          Paul Bishop

            Through the GUI (version 19 and above I believe?), you can double click on the thread in Network Monitor (or right click –> Control –> Full) and on the bottom right column is a “reset statistics” option.  This will reset ALL  statistics except times, not just the error count.

            Or through a command line, use the hcimsiutil command.  Options are:

            -X will zero all threads on the site and keep the times
            -xt <thread> will zero the specific thread and keep the times
            -xp <process> will zero the threads in the specific process and keep the times
            -Z will zero all threads on the site including the times
            -zt <thread> will zero the specific thread including the times
            -zp <process> will zero the threads in the specific process including the times
            -E will zero error counts on all threads in the site
            -ep <proc> will zero error counts on all threads for the specific process
            -et <thread> will zero error counts for the specific thread

            I don’t know what version the -E/-e options became available.  entering hcimsiutil without arguments will display the options available in your version.

            Paul Bishop
            Carle Foundation Hospital
            Urbana, IL

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