Resending > 400 msgs through smatdb is giving error

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Resending > 400 msgs through smatdb is giving error

  • Creator
  • #55529
    Varun Sinha

      I am getting error if I am sending more than 400 messages through smatdb.

      Error if I send 600 messages:

      Command Issued:

      hcicmd -p adt_5 -c “adt5_in resend_db ib_pre_tps /cloverleaf/cis6.1/integrator/temp/tmpa7b47d0f33d66221_707c8a7f_15f2eadf5e3__7ffe_1508323679882496 -e ASCII -E 0 -D sqlite”

      Command status: 75

      Command error :

      No response within timeout.

      Please check logs to see if command was successfully completed.


      Success, if I send 400 messages through smatdb

      Command Issued:

      hcicmd -p adt_5 -c “adt5_in resend_db ib_pre_tps /cloverleaf/cis6.1/integrator/temp/tmpa7b47d0f33d66221_707c8a7f_15f2eadf5e3__7ffe_1508323783804497 -e ASCII -E 0 -D sqlite”

      Command status: 0

      Command output:


      Placed 400 msgs from file /cloverleaf/cis6.1/integrator/temp/tmpa7b47d0f33d66221_707c8a7f_15f2eadf5e3__7ffe_1508323783804497 into the ib_pre_tps queue

      Is there an issue with Cloverleaf 6.1.1? I have to resend more than 1 lakh messages through smatdb.

      What will be the best approach?

      Thanks in advance[/img]

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    • Author
      • #85649
        Peter Heggie

          I think there are other discussions on this topic – search for ‘broken pipe’. Basically there is a timeout communicating with the command thread that is submitting the selected messages. The submission still completes (you can see this in the process log) but the connection back to your GUI or command line is broken.

          I would like to see enhancements in this area – either allow a configurable timeout, or allow smat db messages to be selected for resending from the command line with the same criteria options that you have with the gui.

          Peter Heggie

        • #85650
          James Cobane

            There were a couple of issues identified with resending from SMAT DB in 6.1.1 that are corrected with the 6.1.2 update (and later releases) –


            Resending from SMAT database fails with a large amount of messages (13650)


            Resending messages from a large SMAT database takes a long time to resend, even for a few messages. The GUI times out and deletes the temporary files with the messages to resend. This returns a timeout error to the GUI instructing users to check the log to see whether the command succeeded. This also happens for File SMAT.

            With this issue fixed, the GUI does not delete the resending temporary file any longer, but might still time out.

            The engine deletes the resending temporary file after the messages are resent to the engine.



            Resending SMAT DB messages does not work if all messages are selected with

          • #85651
            Varun Sinha

              Thanks Peter and James for the reply.



              Do not use the Mark All Messages button if it is a time query. Instead, click the check box column

            • #85652
              James Cobane


                When you resend to a file from the SMAT DB tool, it doesn’t automatically apply an extension to the file name; whatever you call it is what it is named.  With regards to resending from Network Monitor/NetMonitor, you simply right-click on the thread, then Control > Full > Resend

                Hope this helps.

                Jim Cobane

                Henry Ford Health

              • #85653
                Varun Sinha

                  Thanks James!

                  As you mentioned that “With regards to resending from Network Monitor/NetMonitor, you simply right-click on the thread, then Control > Full > Resend ”  

                  Is this the new thread which I need to create? Will it be a file thread or tcp thread or any other? I am new to cloverleaf, so apology for any stupid questions.

                  Currently, this is the approach I was trying to send data, but no luck so far.

                  I am saving a full day data from smatdb to a file (say oneDayData.dat). After that I am using fileset:local file thread to pick up this file. Since multiple messages are there in the file, I think that I need TCL proc to create single message. I am new to TCL, so taking longer time to create such script.

                  Once again, Thanks a lot for the response.

                • #85654
                  James Cobane


                    With reference to the ‘thread’, this is the existing thread that you were essentially trying to resend to via the SMAT DB tool.  Just be advised that resending large volumes (IB, pre-tps) will take awhile to load and process as they have to get fully loaded into the thread before you start seeing anything start to hit the post-xlate queue.

                    With regards to using fileset:local, you don’t need TCL to break apart a file into single messages.  This is handled via the ‘style’ setting on the protocol configuration.  Assuming the messages are newline terminated within the file, you would select ‘nl’ as the style.  If you saved them as length-encoded, then you would select ‘len10’ as your style.

                    Hope that makes sense.

                    Jim Cobane

                    Henry Ford Health

                  • #85655
                    Varun Sinha

                      Thanks a lot James! It worked the very same day.

                      Resending through file allowed me to send entire messages in one go.

                      Thanks for your help once again.



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