Error if I send 600 messages:
Command Issued:
hcicmd -p adt_5 -c “adt5_in resend_db ib_pre_tps /cloverleaf/cis6.1/integrator/temp/tmpa7b47d0f33d66221_707c8a7f_15f2eadf5e3__7ffe_1508323679882496 -e ASCII -E 0 -D sqlite”
Command status: 75
Command error :
No response within timeout.
Please check logs to see if command was successfully completed.
Success, if I send 400 messages through smatdb
Command Issued:
hcicmd -p adt_5 -c “adt5_in resend_db ib_pre_tps /cloverleaf/cis6.1/integrator/temp/tmpa7b47d0f33d66221_707c8a7f_15f2eadf5e3__7ffe_1508323783804497 -e ASCII -E 0 -D sqlite”
Command status: 0
Command output:
Placed 400 msgs from file /cloverleaf/cis6.1/integrator/temp/tmpa7b47d0f33d66221_707c8a7f_15f2eadf5e3__7ffe_1508323783804497 into the ib_pre_tps queue
Is there an issue with Cloverleaf 6.1.1? I have to resend more than 1 lakh messages through smatdb.
What will be the best approach?
Thanks in advance[/img]