Replace MSH:4 with PV1:5 need help to finish it

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Replace MSH:4 with PV1:5 need help to finish it

  • Creator
  • #54957
    Albert Sinha

      # Message handle

                 keylget args MSGID mh

                 set msg [msgget $mh]

                 set segList [split $msg r]

                  set fldSep [string index $msg 3]

                  set subSep [string index $msg 4]


                  set pidLoc [lsearch -regexp $segList {^MSH}]

                  set MSH [split [lindex $segList $pidLoc] $fldSep]

      How do I split PV1 and then copy the PV1:5 to MSH:4

      Some suggestions and help will be really appreciated.

    Viewing 28 reply threads
    • Author
      • #83579
        Charlie Bursell

          # Message handle

                    keylget args MSGID mh

                    set msg [msgget $mh]

                    set segList [split $msg r]

                     set fldSep [string index $msg 3]

                     set subSep [string index $msg 4]

                     # You don’t need location of PV1 just the fields

                     set PV1 [split [lsearch -inline -regexp $segList {^PID}] $fldSep]

                     # MSH is always first segment get list of fields

                     set MSH [split [lindex $segList 0] $fldSep]

                     # Get PV1.5

                     set pv15 [lindex $PV1 5]

                     # Put PV1.5 into MSH.4  Remember fields are skewed

                     # by one since you split using field 1

                     set MSH [lreplace $MSH 3 3 $pv15]

                     # Replace MSH sith modified segment

                     set segList [lreplace $segList 0 0 [join $MSH $fldSep]]

                     # Send it on

                     msgset $mh [join $segList r]

                     return “{CONTINUE $mh}”

          Note:  I have been known to fat-finger some things.  I did not test it

        • #83580
          David Barr

            I’d use a library for this.

            <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

            Your code would look something like this:


            package require hl7
            set hl7 [hl7::parse_msg [msgget $mh]]
            hl7::set_field hl7 MSH.4 [hl7::get_field hl7 PV1.5]
            msgset $mh [hl7::join_msg hl7]

          • #83581
            Albert Sinha

              Thank you very much to both David and Charlie, now I have a better understanding for my next script.

            • #83582
              Robert Milfajt

                Does installation of this library on a server require any special access on AIX, i.e., root, etc.?

                Thanks for taking the time to create this library David!  ðŸ˜€

                Robert Milfajt
                Northwestern Medicine
                Chicago, IL

              • #83583
                David Barr

                  You just need to extract the archive under $HCIROOT. The files go into the tcl/lib/hl7 subdirectory, so it shouldn’t require root access to install.

                • #83584
                  Albert Sinha

                    In windows it is the same on HCIROOT and just unzip it ?

                    Thanks again David

                  • #83585
                    David Barr

                      I’m not sure about Windows. You probably have to use %HCIROOT% instead of $HCIROOT if you’re typing at a command prompt, but otherwise it should be the same.

                    • #83586
                      Albert Sinha

                        run {  keylget args MSGID mh

                                  set msg [msgget $mh]

                                  set segList [split $msg r]

                                   set fldSep [string index $msg 3]

                                   set subSep [string index $msg 4]

                                   set PID [split [lsearch -inline -regexp $segList {^PID}] $fldSep]

                                   set MSH [split [lindex $segList 0] $fldSep]

                                   # Get Pid 3.3

                                   set pid33 [lindex $PID 3]

                           set field33 [lindex $pid33 3]

                                   set MSH [lreplace $MSH 3 3 $field33]

                                   set segList [lreplace $segList 0 0 [join $MSH $fldSep]]

                                   # Final restructure

                                   msgset $mh [join $segList r]

                                   return “{CONTINUE $mh}”

                        Above is what I have for replacing MSH4 with PID3

                        But here is the input and the output







                        Seems like it is not populating which should be GMC, instead a blank in MSH-4  , what I am doing wrong. Thanks in advance for any help or suggestion.

                      • #83587
                        Brandon Grudt

                          It does not look like you are splitting by the subfield separator, so your pid33 variable is not a list.

                        • #83588
                          Albert Sinha

                            set field33 [lindex [split [lindex $PID 3] $sub] 3]

                            After replacing field33 with the above line it does not replace it with a blank it keeps it as it is, does not replace it with PID-3.3 . Really need some help to finish this.

                          • #83589
                            David Barr

                              It would help if you use the testing tool and echo out some variables at each step. Like I would echo $PID and $sub before “set field33” and echo $field33 after you set it.

                            • #83590
                              Kevin Crist

                                Here is one we use here at times.


                                # Name: tpsTransferField.tcl
                                # Purpose: – This tps tclproc moves or copies the specified Segment/Field (Source) value
                                # to new Specified Segment/Field (Destination)location.
                                # The Source Segment/Field will be set to {} for a MOVE
                                # The Source Segment/Field will left intact for a COPY
                                # – If the any of the user supplied arguments (5 of them) are omitted,
                                #  the message will be continued as is and an entry will be made in
                                # the engine log.
                                # – If there are mutilple occurances of the Source Segment, the value will be
                                # taken from the first one.
                                # – If there are mutilple occurances of the Destination Segment, the value
                                # will be moved to all of them.
                                # – If the Source or Destintion Segment does not exist in the message,
                                # the message will be continued and an entry will be put in
                                # the engine log.
                                # – If the New Field does not exist in the message but the segment does,
                                # blank fields will be added to create the space for the field number
                                #  specified.
                                # – If the New Field already has data in it, it will be over written.
                                # – The field numbers start with 0, ie the 3rd field is field number 2.
                                # UPoC type: tps
                                # Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:
                                #       MODE    run mode (”start”, “run” or “time”)
                                #       MSGID   message handle
                                #       ARGS    user-supplied arguments:
                                # 1) The user specified Function
                                # The key is FUNCTION (only MOVE or COPY are Valid)
                                # 1) The user specified Source Segment
                                # The key is SOURCESEG
                                # 2) The user can specify the Source Field Number
                                # The key is SOURCEFLD
                                # 3) The user specified Destination Segment
                                # The key is DESTINSEG
                                # 4) The user can specify the Destination Field Number
                                # The key is DESTINFLD
                                # Example arguments: {FUNCTION MOVE} {SOURCESEG OBR} {SOURCEFLD 25} {DESTINSEG OBR} {DESTINFLD 30}
                                # This will move the value that is in OBR-25 to OBR-30.
                                # Returns: tps disposition list:
                                #          Continues the modified message
                                # OR
                                # Continues the Un-modified message (if bad ARGS passed in)
                                # Created: John Zalesak 04/15/2009

                                proc tpsTransferField { args } {

                                # Get the Connection/Proc Name for Error/Debug Messages

                                global HciConnName
                                set myname “$HciConnName/[lindex [info level 1] 0]”
                                set nowis [clock format [clock scan now] -format “%D – %T”]

                                # Initialize Variables Used

                                set dispList [list] ;# Disposition List Returned to Engine

                                set fldSep “” ;# Field Seperator – get from MSH
                                set subSep “” ;# SubField Seperator – get from MSH
                                set repSep “” ;# Repeating Field Seperator – get from MSH

                                set Function “” ;# Specifies Move or Copy
                                set SourceSeg “” ;# Source Segment Name
                                set SourceFld 0 ;# Source Field Number
                                set DestinSeg “” ;# Destination Segment Name
                                set DestinFld 0 ;# Destination Segment Name

                                set fldVal “” ;# Value to be moved
                                set null {} ;# Null Value

                                set segList [list] ;# Message Segments in List Form
                                set fldList [list] ;# Segment Fields in List Form
                                set fldCnt [list] ;# Count of Fields in fldList

                                set SourceSegPos [list] ;# List of Seg Pos in segList of Source Seg
                                set DestinSegPos [list] ;# List of Seg Pos in segList of Destin Seg

                                set seg “” ;# A segment from a list of segments
                                set flds 0 ;# Field Counter used in a loop

                                # Load in the arguments we need that were passed from the caller

                                keylget args MODE mode             ;# The mode the engine called from

                                keylget args ARGS.FUNCTION Function ;# The Function reqested (MOVE/COPY)
                                set Function [string toupper $Function] ;# Force to uppercase

                                keylget args ARGS.SOURCESEG SourceSeg ;# Source Segement Name
                                set SourceSeg [string toupper $SourceSeg] ;# Force to uppercase
                                keylget args ARGS.SOURCEFLD SourceFld ;# Source Field Number

                                keylget args ARGS.DESTINSEG DestinSeg ;# Destination Segement Name
                                set DestinSeg [string toupper $DestinSeg] ;# Force to uppercase
                                keylget args ARGS.DESTINFLD DestinFld ;# Destination Field Number

                                # Switch based on what mode the engine was in when it called the procedure

                                 switch -exact — $mode {

                                   run {
                                    set mh [keylget args MSGID] ;# Get message handle from args
                                   set dispList [list “CONTINUE $mh”] ;# Initialize to good message
                                     set msg [msgget $mh] ;# Get a copy of the message

                                     set fldSep [string index $msg 3] ;# Field Seperator
                                     set subSep [string index $msg 4] ;# Sub-Field Seperator
                                     set repSep [string index $msg 5] ;# Repeating Field Seperator

                                set segList [split $msg r] ;# Split message into segList

                                # Validate the user supplied values

                                if { $Function == “MOVE” || $Function == “COPY” } {
                                } else {
                                 echo n n
                                 echo “==========================================================”
                                  echo “:WARN – Invalid Function Supplied !”
                                  echo “:WARN – Function = “$Function” ”
                                 echo “:WARN – Message Continued As Is.”
                                 echo “:WARN – Here Is: $myname”
                                 echo “:WARN – Now Is: $nowis”
                                 echo $msg
                                 echo “==========================================================”  
                                 echo n n
                                       return $dispList

                                if { $SourceSeg == “” || $DestinSeg == “” } {
                                 echo n n
                                 echo “==========================================================”
                                  echo “:WARN – Required Segment was not Supplied !”
                                  echo “:WARN – Source Segment = “$SourceSeg” ”
                                  echo “:WARN – Destination Segment = “$DestinSeg” ”
                                 echo “:WARN – Message Continued As Is.”
                                 echo “:WARN – Here Is: $myname”
                                 echo “:WARN – Now Is: $nowis”
                                 echo $msg
                                 echo “==========================================================”  
                                 echo n n
                                       return $dispList

                                if { $SourceFld == “” || $SourceFld == 0 ||
                                $DestinFld == “” || $DestinFld == 0 } {
                                 echo n n
                                 echo “==========================================================”
                                  echo “:WARN – Invalid or No Field Number Was Supplied !”
                                  echo “:WARN – Source Field Number = “$SourceFld” ”
                                  echo “:WARN – Destination Field Number = “$DestinFld” ”
                                 echo “:WARN – Message Continued As Is.”
                                 echo “:WARN – Here Is: $myname”
                                 echo “:WARN – Now Is: $nowis”
                                 echo $msg
                                 echo “==========================================================”  
                                 echo n n
                                       return $dispList

                                # Find Position of Segement(s) – If missing -> Continue Message and Return

                                set SourceSegPos [lsearch -all -regexp $segList “^$SourceSeg”]
                                if { [lindex $SourceSegPos 0] < 0 } {
                                 echo n n
                                 echo "=========================================================="
                                  echo ":WARN – Source Segment "$SourceSeg" Is Missing !"
                                 echo ":WARN – Message Continued As Is."
                                 echo ":WARN – Here Is: $myname"
                                 echo ":WARN – Now Is: $nowis"
                                 echo $msg
                                 echo "=========================================================="  
                                 echo n n
                                       return $dispList

                                set DestinSegPos [lsearch -all -regexp $segList "^$DestinSeg"]
                                if { [lindex $DestinSegPos 0] = [expr $SourceFld + 1]} {
                                set fldVal [lindex $fldList $SourceFld]
                                if { $Function == “MOVE” } {
                                lset fldList $SourceFld $null
                                lset segList [lindex $SourceSegPos] [join $fldList $fldSep]
                                } else {
                                echo n n
                                 echo “==========================================================”
                                  echo “:WARN – Source Segment “$SourceSeg” ”
                                  echo “:WARN – Does not Contian Field Number: “$SourceFld” ”
                                 echo “:WARN – Message Continued As Is.”
                                 echo “:WARN – Here Is: $myname”
                                 echo “:WARN – Now Is: $nowis”
                                 echo $msg
                                 echo “==========================================================”  
                                 echo n n
                                       return $dispList

                                # Write the Source Field Value into the Destination Field – Add blank fields if needed

                                foreach seg $DestinSegPos {
                                set fldList [split [lindex $segList $seg] $fldSep]
                                set fldCnt [llength $fldList]

                                for { set flds $fldCnt } { $flds < [expr $DestinFld + 1] } { incr flds } {
                                  lappend fldList $null
                                  lset fldList $DestinFld $fldVal
                                  lset segList $seg [join $fldList $fldSep]

                                # Recreate the message and store back at msg handle

                                 set msg [join $segList r]  
                                   msgset $mh $msg


                                start { }
                                   time { }
                                   shutdown { }
                                   default {
                                    echo ":WARN"
                                    echo ":WARN ======================================"
                                 echo ":WARN – tps called with invalid mode !"
                                echo ":WARN – Mode Is: $mode"
                                echo ":WARN – Here Is: $myname"
                                echo ":WARN – Now Is: $nowis"
                                echo ":WARN ======================================"
                                echo ":WARN"
                                } ;# End Switch

                                return $dispList

                                } ;# End Proc

                              • #83591
                                Michael Hertel

                                  set field33 [lindex [split [lindex $PID 3] $sub] 3]

                                  Should have blown up on you.

                                  Use $subSep not $sub

                                  set field33 [lindex [split [lindex $PID 3] $subSep] 3]

                                • #83592
                                  Albert Sinha

                                    thank you all, I will try all the suggestions and test it out.

                                  • #83593
                                    Jim Kosloskey

                                      Another thought:



                                      COPY PV1-5 –> MSH-4


                                      I am not a proponent of using BULKCOPY but this is quick to do.

                                      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

                                    • #83594
                                      Albert Sinha

                                        proc replace_MSH_4_PID_3 { args } {

                                           keylget args MODE mode   ;# Fetch mode

                                           set dispList {} ;# Nothing to return

                                           switch -exact — $mode {

                                               start {



                                               run {  keylget args MSGID mh

                                                  set msg [msgget $mh]

                                                  set segList [split $msg r]

                                                   set fldSep [string index $msg 3]

                                                   set subSep [string index $msg 4]

                                         set sub [string index ‘^’]

                                                   set PID [split [lsearch -inline -regexp $segList {^PID}] $fldSep]

                                                   set MSH [split [lindex $segList 0] $fldSep]

                                                   # Get Pid 3.3

                                                   set field33 [lindex [split [lindex $PID 3] $subsep] 3]

                                                   set MSH [lreplace $MSH 3 3 $field33]

                                                   set segList [lreplace $segList 0 0 [join $MSH $fldSep]]

                                                   # Final restructure

                                                   msgset $mh [join $segList r]

                                                   return “{CONTINUE $mh}”




                                               time {

                                                   # Timer-based processing

                                                   # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args


                                               shutdown {

                                                   # Doing some clean-up work


                                               default {

                                                   error “Unknown mode ‘$mode’ in tpsFixOnMSH”



                                           return $dispList


                                        Above is what I have when I have the tcl in the thread nothing crosses over. When I take it out it goes over.

                                      • #83595
                                        Michael Hertel

                                          The proc is case sensitive.

                                          use $subSep

                                          Change this line ->  set field33 [lindex [split [lindex $PID 3] $subsep] 3]

                                          To this line -> set field33 [lindex [split [lindex $PID 3] $subSep] 3]

                                          Are you running this through your testing tool?

                                          It should be bombing there with an undefined error.

                                        • #83596
                                          Albert Sinha

                                            Yes I am running it via testing tool

                                          • #83597
                                            Michael Hertel

                                              Isn’t it erring on an undefined variable?

                                              In any event, did you make the change and does it work now?

                                            • #83598
                                              Albert Sinha

                                                proc replace_MSH_4_PID_3 { args } {

                                                   keylget args MODE mode   ;# Fetch mode

                                                   set dispList {} ;# Nothing to return

                                                   switch -exact — $mode {

                                                       start {



                                                       run {  keylget args MSGID mh

                                                          set msg [msgget $mh]

                                                          set segList [split $msg r]

                                                           set fldSep [string index $msg 3]

                                                           set subSep [string index $msg 4]

                                                           set PID [split [lsearch -inline -regexp $segList {^PID}] $fldSep]

                                                           set MSH [split [lindex $segList 0] $fldSep]

                                                           # Get Pid 3.3

                                                           # set pid33 [lindex $PID 3]

                                                           # set field33 [lindex $pid33 3]

                                                           set field33 [lindex [split [lindex $PID 3] $subSep] 3]

                                                           set MSH [lreplace $MSH 3 3 $field33]

                                                           set segList [lreplace $segList 0 0 [join $MSH $fldSep]]

                                                           # Final restructure

                                                           msgset $mh [join $segList r]

                                                           return “{CONTINUE $mh}”




                                                       time {

                                                           # Timer-based processing

                                                           # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args


                                                       shutdown {

                                                           # Doing some clean-up work


                                                       default {

                                                           error “Unknown mode ‘$mode’ in tpsFixOnMSH”



                                                   return $dispList


                                                Here is the whole script I made the change for subSep  still not working, it does not send the message, when I take it out the messages go thru fine.

                                              • #83599
                                                Kevin Crist

                                                  i copied your script and got it worked fine for me with no modifications.

                                                • #83600
                                                  Albert Sinha

                                                    what you think might be the problem  I am just putting it right on the tps of the outbound thread, and as soon as I stop and restart the process and send a new message it does not go , I take it out and resend it goes thru fine.

                                                  • #83601
                                                    David Barr

                                                      Have you looked in the error database?

                                                    • #83602
                                                      Charlie Bursell


                                                        Change this line ->  set field33 [lindex [split [lindex $PID 3] $subsep] 3]

                                                        To this line -> set field33 [lindex [split [lindex $PID 3] $subSep] 3]

                                                        Would return PID.3.2 which is probably the emty string.

                                                        I too think the proc is good.  To insure put a before and after echo statement

                                                        set segList [split $msg r]


                                                        echo nBEFORE:

                                                        foreach el $segList {echo $el}



                                                        echo nAFTER:

                                                        foreach el $segList {echo $el}


                                                        Note newlines before and after each echo to set it apart from any other garbage.   You can run it through hcitpstest or the engine.  See if change is there.

                                                        Be sure and remove DEBUG once problem is resolved.

                                                      • #83603
                                                        Michael Hertel

                                                          Charlie, I don’t want to question you since you are the master.

                                                          But it counts from zero so I think you’re counting in the wrong direction.

                                                          Besides, Kevin said it tested fine. Lol

                                                          If you think I’m wrong, I’ll run the code through my engine to make sure I’m not nuts. But by now I am spending way too much time on this. I was only trying to point out the undefined variable, not the field position.


                                                        • #83604
                                                          Charlie Bursell

                                                            I will take your work for it but breaking it down from inner to outer:

                                                                     [lindex [split [lindex $PID 3] $subSep] 3]

                                                            set var1 [lindex $PID 3]     ;# Returns PID field 3

                                                            set var2 [split $var1 $subSep]   ;#   Splits PID,3 into subfields

                                                            set var3 [lindex $var2 3]  ;3 Returns PID.3.2  0-based

                                                            Where am I wrong?

                                                          • #83605
                                                            Kevin Crist

                                                              i only did mine in the testing tool. i did not put it in a thread and test that way.

                                                            • #83606
                                                              Michael Hertel


                                                                I will take your work for it but breaking it down from inner to outer:

                                                                         [lindex [split [lindex $PID 3] $subSep] 3]

                                                                set var1 [lindex $PID 3]     ;# Returns PID field 3

                                                                set var2 [split $var1 $subSep]   ;#   Splits PID,3 into subfields

                                                                set var3 [lindex $var2 3]  ;3 Returns PID.3.2  0-based

                                                                Where am I wrong?

                                                                Ok, here’s what I’m thinking:

                                                                [lindex $var2 0] = PID-3.1

                                                                [lindex $var2 1] = PID-3.2

                                                                [lindex $var2 2] = PID-3.3

                                                                [lindex $var2 3] = PID-3.4 <—Returns PID-3.4 not PID-3.2 as you state.

                                                                Where am I wrong?  ðŸ˜‰

                                                              • #83607
                                                                Albert Sinha

                                                                  I will try it with the echo.

                                                                  Really appreciate you guys help on this.

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