repeating fields

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  • Creator
  • #52143
    Virginia Everett

      I am trying to add a nickname field to the patient alias repeating field series.  I was able to interate to a point to add a field to the series but I had to hard code the value.  It was not allowing me to use a variable.   Has anyone tried this and successed with words of wisdom to what is needed?  Thanks

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    • Author
      • #73205
        Jim Kosloskey


          Are you saying you have the nickname in a temp variable but cannot use that as a Source in a COPY Action?

          Show us what you are trying to do (a screen shot would be good) so we better understand.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #73206
          Virginia Everett

            Here is the example.  The @aliasCount is not reconized as an index.

          • #73207
            Jim Kosloskey


              You can only use %xnn type counters as repetition counters inside the address pathing.

              You can maintain your own iteration counter – let’s say %g99.

              This is done by preceding the counter (%g99) with a $ ($%g99) in your MATH Action for example.

              Thne inside your address path you would use %g99 without the $ – in this example.

              If you are still having issues, you can email me and I will help you get where you want to be.

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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