Removing curly braces

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  • #51381
    Mark Perschbacher

      I have a proc that I am using to extract some OBX 5 fields into a list, and then copy them back into a blank field with this result.

      OBX|2|TX|SC05-4$rpt^^99DHT|||SOURCE: {Endocervical Pap Smear}|||||F

      When I try to join it back into the message, I get an error about “list element followed by ||||F instead of space.”  I have tried removing the curly braces, but have not be successful.  Anybody know how to get rid of them?

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    • Author
      • #69976
        Tom Rioux

          Here is one way using string map:

          hcitcl>set var “SOURCE: {Endocervical Pap Smear}”

          SOURCE: {Endocervical Pap Smear}

          hcitcl>string map {{ {} } {}} $var

          SOURCE: Endocervical Pap Smear

          Hope this helps…

          Tom Rioux

        • #69977

          You could do something like …


          regsub -all — {{}} $var “” var


          -- Max Drown (Infor)

        • #69978
          Mark Perschbacher

            The string map line works as long as I run it through a variable.  Thanks for both of your input.

          • #69979
            Michael Hertel

              This looks like you have an error in your proc.

              Does the raw data actually have curly braces as part of the data?

              If not, you have an element from a list instead of string of data.

              Are you sure you want to remove the braces instead of fixing the problem?

            • #69980
              Mark Perschbacher

                Michael, that is what I am experimenting with.  I would like to use regexp to find the data in OBX 5, and then use lsearch to return the list postition number.

              • #69981
                Michael Hertel

                  If you’d like to post what you have so far, we could look at it for you.

                • #69982
                  Mark Perschbacher

                    Michael, I was able to get the OBX 5 isolated earlier this week, but had a brainstorm and made some big changes without saving a copy, and am now getting an “list element in quotes followed by “.” ” error, but this is what I have so far.

                    proc datadump { args } {

                      keylget args MODE mode               ;# Fetch mode


                      set dispList {}

                      set signed_flag “”


                      switch -exact — $mode {

                          start {

                              # Perform special init functions

                              # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args



                          run {

                              # ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it

                              keylget args MSGID mh

                              set msg [msgget $mh]

                              set fieldSep [string index $msg 3]

                              set segmentList [split $msg r]


                                set obx [lrange [lregexp $segmentList {^OBX}] 0 end]

                        #echo $obx

                    set obxlist “”

                             foreach segment in $obx {

                        set field [lindex [split $segment $fieldSep] 5]

                    lappend obxlist “$field”


                    echo $obxlist

                    set find [lsearch $source {SOURCE:}]

                    set list [lsearch $source {}]

                  • #69983
                    Mark Perschbacher

                      Forgot a line

                      proc datadump { args } {

                        keylget args MODE mode               ;# Fetch mode


                        set dispList {}

                        set signed_flag “”


                        switch -exact — $mode {

                            start {

                                # Perform special init functions

                                # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args



                            run {

                                # ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it

                                keylget args MSGID mh

                                set msg [msgget $mh]

                                set fieldSep [string index $msg 3]

                                set segmentList [split $msg r]


                                set obx [lrange [lregexp $segmentList {^OBX}] 0 end]

                          #echo $obx

                      set obxlist “”

                               foreach segment in $obx {

                          set field [lindex [split $segment $fieldSep] 5]

                      lappend obxlist “$field”


                      echo $obxlist

                      set source $obxlist

                      set find [lsearch $source {SOURCE:}]

                      set list [lsearch $source {}]

                    • #69984
                      Michael Hertel

                        Try this:

                        set segmentList [split $msg r]


                        set obx [lsearch -regexp $segmentList ^OBX]

                        foreach segment in $obx {

                           set field [lindex [split $segment $fieldSep] 5]

                           lappend obxlist “$field”


                        echo $obxlist

                        set source $obxlist

                        set find [lsearch -regexp $obxlist SOURCE:]

                        #set find [lsearch $source {SOURCE:}]

                        #set list [lsearch $source {}]

                      • #69985
                        Mark Perschbacher

                          Got it working, thanks.  Here is what $obxlist looks like.  So what I am trying to do is grab everything from SOURCE:  to the blank before FINAL CYTOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:  I am thinking that some regexp expression might do it, but I can’t seem to get the sytntax right.  Any ideas?

                          ****  GYNECOLOGICAL CYTOLOGY REPORT  *****

                          CASE STATUS: Signed Out    

                          PATIENT NAME:test, silly

                          CASE NUMBER:  SC05-4

                          DATE COLLECTED:4/28/2005


                          Endocervical Pap Smear

                          FINAL CYTOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:


                          Cytologically benign endocervical-type glandular cells present.

                        • #69986
                          Michael Hertel

                            Sorry, I’m not very good at regexp

                          • #69987
                            Charlie Bursell

                              Is this a list?  It is little wonder you are have problems with braces as that is the internal quoting.

                              Let’s assume it is a list, if not omit the first step

                              set obxstring [join $obxlist { }]

                              set source “”     ;# just in case

                              regexp — {.*(SOURCE:.*?)FINAL CYTOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:}

                                                                                        $obxstring {} source

                              # Get rid of lf

                              set source [string trim $source]

                              Unless I completely misunderstand the problem  ðŸ™‚

                            • #69988
                              Mark Perschbacher

                                regexp — {.*(SOURCE:.*?)FINAL C…DIAGNOSIS:} $obxstring {} source

                                Gives me an “extra characters after close brace” error, do I have the syntax right?

                              • #69989
                                Charlie Bursell

                                  The backslash was a line contiuation.  You don’t need if all on one line

                                • #69990
                                  Mark Perschbacher

                                    Gotcha, the regexp is running but I am not getting anything returned.  If I wanted to have it grab everything from SOURCE: to the blank space before FINAL CYTO.., would I just put a “” after the .*?)  It is interesting that all the elements of obxstring are enclosed in {} except SOURCE:.  I added an lappend field “$obxlist” after the set obxlist [lindex [split $segment $fieldSep] 5] line to get the {}.

                                    {*****  GYNECOLOGICAL CYTOLOGY REPORT  *****}


                                    {CASE STATUS: Signed Out    }

                                    {PATIENT NAME:test, silly}

                                    {CASE NUMBER:  SC05-4}


                                    {DATE COLLECTED:4/28/2005}


                                    {Endocervical Pap Smear}


                                    {FINAL CYTOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:}

                                  • #69991
                                    Charlie Bursell

                                      That is because you have a list!  You must remove it from the list context to deal with it as a string!

                                    • #69992
                                      Kevan Riley

                                        To add a little more detail to Charlie’s answer.  “SUCCESS:” doesn’t need to be “grouped” because there are not embeded white space.  Since these are all list elements, each element has to be grouped if there is white space or else each word would become its own element.  Tcl (and the Engine) does this for you by sticking in curly braces as necessary.   In the case of SUCCESS: no grouping brackets are needed, but for the others with white space brackets are added to delineate (or group) the parts of one element together.

                                        I hope this helps

                                        Kevan Riley

                                        Sr. Integration Analyst

                                        Adventist Health System – IS

                                        Lake Mary, FL

                                      • #69993
                                        Mark Perschbacher

                                          What command would you use to group the elements together as a string?

                                        • #69994
                                          Kevan Riley

                                            I usually “delist” with lindex, and there is a “list” command to form a list.


                                            set a [list “CASE STATUS: Signed Out” “PATIENT NAME:test, silly” “CASE NUMBER:

                                          • #69995
                                            Mark Perschbacher

                                              Yes, thanks.  So according to Charlie, if I group the list as a string, the regexp should work.   I am interpreting Charlie’s script correctly, it is grabbing everything from SOURCE: to the end of DIAGNOSIS.  Would carriage returns be preventing it from returning the requested characters?

                                            • #69996
                                              Kevan Riley

                                                Right, looking back over what Charlie wrote, I realized i missed the “join” (set obxstring [join $obxlist { }]).  Join “de-lists” a list into a string.  That is, it un-groups all of the elements, joining them with, in this case, a space.  So your end result from Charlie’s join is a string that is no longer grouped into list elements.  

                                                One test, is to echo out an llength or your list (puts [llength $obxlist]) and see if the number matches the number of elements you think you should have.  If you think you have 5 subfields in a list, and llength yields something like 9 or 1, then you want to echo out your “list” and see what is going on.  Either, the subfields are not grouped, in which case every space deliniates a new list element even if it is just a two word description, or it has been “over grouped, and is a list of one element, that possibly contains a list (think {{pt one} {pt two}}).

                                                One more thing to keep in mind.  Technically speaking a list is just a specially formatted string.  You can use the list commands like lindex, list, lappend, etc. and I recommend that, but you can also treat a list as a string, but it is more complicated because, you then, are the one that has to be sure to account for and deal with existence or need for curly braces.

                                                For instance, you can set a return disposition list for a Tcl UPoc proc like this:

                                                set displist “”

                                                lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”

                                                return $displist


                                                set displist “{CONTINUE $mh}”

                                                return $displist

                                                or even

                                                 return “{CONTINUE $mh}”

                                                The first form is preferred since it allows the native commands to handle the curly braces for you (it is also good Cloverleaf programing practice, since the displist could contain more that one disposition).

                                                Another example:

                                                You could get the first element of a list by something like this:

                                                set a

                                                  puts $a

                                                  -> {pt one} {pt two}

                                                  set i1 [expr [string first “{” $a] +1]

                                                  set i2 [expr [string first “}” $a] -1]

                                                  set b [string range $a $i1 $i2]

                                                  puts $b

                                                  -> pt one

                                                  or you could just do:

                                                  set b [lindex $a 0]

                                                  puts $b

                                                  -> pt one

                                                  hope this helps.

                                                  PS.  I tested Charlies code against teh list you posted in the in initial post and I got “SOURCE: Endocervical Pap Smear” out.

                                              • #69997
                                                Mark Perschbacher

                                                  Thanks again for your input.  The llength command is useful.  When I run the lappend, and check the llength of obxlist, I get a list of subfields with a value of 1.  If I run a regexp -inline of obxlist, it returns both SOURCE: and FINAL CYTO…   Charlie’s regexp script still returns nothing.

                                                • #69998
                                                  Kevan Riley

                                                    You probably want to use “append” not “lappend”.  Try that.

                                                  • #69999
                                                    Mark Perschbacher

                                                      Append seems to have the same effect as not running lappend.  The subfields have variable llength values, and the regexp -inline returns nothing for FINAL CYTO…

                                                    • #70000
                                                      Kevan Riley

                                                        Perhaps you should repost your code.  I am not sure I am following along.  Are you doing the “join”?  I don’t think you want any of this in a list at all.  I think you want to join it all in to one long string.  At that point your “regexp” will work.  Try echoing out your variable you are trying to “regexp” against.  If there are still curly braces in there, they it hasn’t been joined correctly.

                                                      • #70001
                                                        Mark Perschbacher

                                                          proc datadump { args } {

                                                            keylget args MODE mode               ;# Fetch mode


                                                            set dispList {}

                                                            set signed_flag “”


                                                            switch -exact — $mode {

                                                                start {

                                                                    # Perform special init functions

                                                                    # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args



                                                                run {

                                                                    # ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it

                                                                    keylget args MSGID mh

                                                                    set msg [msgget $mh]

                                                                    set fieldSep [string index $msg 3]

                                                                    set segmentList [split $msg r]


                                                                     set obx [lrange [lregexp $segmentList {^OBX}] 0 end]


                                                          foreach segment $obx {

                                                          set obxlist “”

                                                              set field [lindex [split $segment $fieldSep] 5]

                                                          string trim $field

                                                          append obxlist “$field”

                                                                set obxstring [join $obxlist {}]

                                                          set trim “”

                                                          set finder [lsearch -inline -regexp $obxlist {FINAL CYTOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:}]  

                                                          set length [llength $obxlist]

                                                          set site [lsearch $field {SOURCE:}]

                                                          regexp — {.*(SOURCE:.*?)FINAL CYTOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:} $obxlist {} trim

                                                          echo $finder


                                                          Kevan, here is the business end of the proc.  I have substituted some of the variable fields for testing.  I agree with your assesment of needing to get the data formatted as a string.  I am running this through the Testing Tool, and can provide the test file if you want.

                                                        • #70002

                                                          What exactly are you trying to do with the message?

                                                          (I’ve tried to read through the thread, but it’s confusing)

                                                          And could you please post an entire sample inbound message?

                                                          -- Max Drown (Infor)

                                                        • #70003
                                                          Mark Perschbacher

                                                            Max, what I am trying to do is read through all the OBX  5 values, and pull out everyting from SOURCE: to the blank line above FINAL CYTOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:

                                                            OBX|1|TX|SC05-4$rpt^^99DHT||*****  GYNECOLOGICAL CYTOLOGY REPORT  *****||||||F


                                                            OBX|3|TX|SC05-4$rpt^^99DHT||CASE STATUS: Signed Out    ||||||F

                                                            OBX|4|TX|SC05-4$rpt^^99DHT||PATIENT NAME:test, silly||||||F

                                                            OBX|5|TX|SC05-4$rpt^^99DHT||CASE NUMBER:  SC05-4||||||F


                                                            OBX|7|TX|SC05-4$rpt^^99DHT||DATE COLLECTED:4/28/2005||||||F


                                                            OBX|9|TX|SC05-4$rpt^^99DHT||Endocervical Pap Smear||||||F


                                                            OBX|11|TX|SC05-4$rpt^^99DHT||FINAL CYTOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:||||||F

                                                            OBX|12|TX|SC05-4$rpt^^99DHT||NEGATIVE FOR INTRAEPITHELIAL LESION OR MALIGNANCY.||||||F

                                                            OBX|13|TX|SC05-4$rpt^^99DHT||Cytologically benign endocervical-type glandular

                                                          • #70004

                                                            I set up a little test environment using a file called tmp.tcl. After making changes to the code, I run the code from the command line by typing “tcl tmp.tcl”. The output is printed to the screen.

                                                            Test messge (^M == carriage rerturn just like in normal HL7):


                                                            set msg “MSH|^MOBX|1|2|3|4|SOURCE: test1 FINAL CYTOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:^MOBX|1|2|3|4|SOURCE: test2 FINAL CYTOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:^MOBX|1|2|3|4|SOURCE: test3 FINAL CYTOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:^MOBX|1|2|3|4|SOURCE: test4 FINAL CYTOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:^M



                                                            set fieldSep [string index $msg 3]
                                                            set segmentList [split $msg r]
                                                            set obx [lrange [lregexp $segmentList {^OBX}] 0 end]

                                                            foreach segment $obx {
                                                               set field [lindex [split $segment $fieldSep] 5]
                                                               set resultList [regexp -inline -all — {SOURCE: (.*?) FINAL} $field]
                                                               puts [lindex $resultList 1]




                                                            -- Max Drown (Infor)

                                                          • #70005
                                                            Kevan Riley


                                                              I see two errors in the code you posted…


                                                              1) your  ‘set obxlist “”‘ statement needs to be moved out of your foreach loop.

                                                              2)  You string trim is missing its set, it should be ‘set field [string trim  $field]’

                                                            • #70006
                                                              Kevan Riley

                                                                Here is my recommendation:

                                                                set obx [lrange [lregexp $segmentList {^OBX}] 0 end]

                                                              • #70007

                                                                Here’s some sample code based on your message (demonstrating regexp inline switch).

                                                                set fieldSep [string index $msg 3]
                                                                set segmentList [split $msg r]
                                                                set obx [lrange [lregexp $segmentList {^OBX}] 0 end]

                                                                foreach segment $obx {
                                                                [code]set fieldSep [string index $msg 3]
                                                                set segmentList [split $msg r]
                                                                set obx [lrange [lregexp $segmentList {^OBX}] 0 end]

                                                                foreach segment $obx {

                                                                -- Max Drown (Infor)

                                                              • #70008
                                                                Mark Perschbacher

                                                                  Max, with the set obx5list moved out of the foreach, all I get for $obx5list is the last  OBX  5 of the message appended on.

                                                                • #70009
                                                                  Mark Perschbacher

                                                                    Kevan, your’s worked.  Yahoo!  Can’t thank all those who directed their massive brain power on this, and I promise to never create a thread this long again.

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