Removing comma from Address field

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  • #50652
    Vidya Sridhar

      I have a pre-proc in an Xlate (pipe delimited VRL input and comma delimited VRL output), which removes the comma from the Address1 field of a physician’s office address. When I run my pre-proc with echo’s in it I get the desired output of removing the comma, but when it write to the CSV file it truncates the field to have only street number in Address1 field.

      For example,

      Current format of Address1:

      111 Michigan Ave, NW

      Correct Format is

      111 Michigan Ave NW

      But csv file has only

      111 in the Address1 field.

      I have spent way too much time on trying to fix it. I would appreciate any help! Thanks!

      Here is my tcl xlt code that I call while copying Address1 field.

      proc xlt_rmv_comma_Addr1 {} {

         upvar xlateId       xlateId

       xlateInList   xlateInList

       xlateInTypes  xlateInTypes

       xlateInVals   xlateInVals

       xlateOutList  xlateOutList

       xlateOutTypes xlateOutTypes

       xlateOutVals  xlateOutVals

                 set xlateOutVals ” ”

                 set Addr1 ” ”                    

                 assign_list $xlateInVals Addr1          

                 if [regexp {[,]} $Addr1] {              

                       regsub -all {,} $Addr1 {} Addr1

                       set xlateOutVals $Addr1

                       echo “Corrected Address:” $xlateOutVals          

                 } else {                                

                       set xlateOutVals $Addr1          




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      • #66977

          I find the use of the string map command to make my life much easier.

          I’m guess your issue is with the regsub command.

          So try “set xlateOutVals [ list [ [string map {“,” ” “}  $ADDR1]]”

          I’m sure someone will find something wrong with this but it works for me.

          Let me know if that fails and maybe more detail on what is going on.

          What exactly is failing?

        • #66978
          Vidya Sridhar

            It errored on:


            invalid command name “111 MICHIGAN AVE  NW”

               while executing

            “[string map {“,” ” “}  $Addr1”

               (procedure “xlt_rmv_comma_Addr1” line 10)

               invoked from within


          • #66979

              Sorry Syntax error. I typed this on the fly.

              Remove the extra Bracket after th list.

            • #66980
              Vidya Sridhar

                That worked without any error, but I still get 111 in Address1 instead of 111 Michigian Ave NW. Any ideas why the the xlateOutVals echos correctly but while copying it only the 111 is copied. The length for all address fields are set at Max Length -1 on the VRL Configurator. I don’t understand why it truncates to the street number in the final output.


                Thanks for you help!

              • #66981
                John Mercogliano

                  One least thing you need to remember is always treat xlateInVals and Out as a list.  You need to change your set statements to


                  set xlateOutVals [list $Addr1]

                  This should populate your field correctly

                  John Mercogliano
                  Sentara Healthcare
                  Hampton Roads, VA

                • #66982
                  Vidya Sridhar


                    I set Addr1 to a list and still no luck. I am going to write up a pre-proc tcl remove the comma before the Xlate. That will get rid of it before I copy in the Xlate.

                    Thank again!

                  • #66983
                    John Mercogliano


                        One last question, when you echoed out xlateOutVals did the result from your echo look like this with the brackets;


                      Corrected Address: {111 Michigan Ave NW}

                         The only other reason I can think of that it is not working is the csv file does not have the field sized correctly.  It’s important that the result you assign to xlateOutVal contain the brackets around the string or else the translator will treat this string as a list with 5 elements instead of just one element, which is how the result is looking.

                      Here is how your code should look:


                      proc xlt_rmv_comma_Addr1 {} {
                      upvar xlateId       xlateId
                      xlateInList   xlateInList
                      xlateInTypes  xlateInTypes
                      xlateInVals   xlateInVals
                      xlateOutList  xlateOutList
                      xlateOutTypes xlateOutTypes
                      xlateOutVals  xlateOutVals

                      set xlateOutVals ” ”
                      set Addr1 ” ”                    
                      assign_list $xlateInVals Addr1          
                      if [regexp {[,]} $Addr1] {              
                      regsub -all {,} $Addr1 {} Addr1
                      set xlateOutVals [list $Addr1]
                      echo “Corrected Address:” $xlateOutVals          
                      } else {                                
                      set xlateOutVals [list $Addr1]


                      John Mercogliano
                      Sentara Healthcare
                      Hampton Roads, VA

                    • #66984
                      Jim Kosloskey

                        Try echoing out xlateOutVals after it is populated to see what is in it.

                        If it is constructed correctly, then there may be a VRL definition issue.

                        I suspect you are not getting xlateOutVals set correctly.

                        email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                      • #66985
                        Vidya Sridhar


                          It worked!   phew!

                          I forgot to add the square brackets in the else statement previously, thus truncting the address field. Thanks for your help.


                        • #66986
                          Jim Kosloskey


                            I am surprised that did not give you an error.

                            Glad you can move forward.

                            email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                          • #66987
                            Michael Hertel

                              If it’s a single character you’re trying to eliminate a simple split/join works too.

                              set xlateOutVals [join [split $xlateInVals ,] {}]

                              No need to check if , is in the data first.

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