Remove repeating fields based on condition

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  • #50852
    Shaun Beckman

      In MFNs we are attempting to send the physicin’s fax number in STF10, and remove all other numbers. The only number that should appear in STF10 is the one ending in “CF”, and it is not always in the same repitition location.

      Example:  STF|13380||TEST^TESTER^^^^MD|P|M|19730924|A||IM|(815)555-9999CH~(815)555-9876CO~(815)555-2468CF~(815)555-1111CB

      We are on v5.5 rev 1

      Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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    • Author
      • #67771
        Jim Levy

          Hi Shaun,

          Here’s something I did to strip out everything but MRN from PID.3.

                       # Strip out all numbers in PID.3 except MRN

                       set NumOfPID_3reps [$hl7msg countFieldReps PID.3]

                       set mrn “”

                       for {set j 0} { $j < $NumOfPID_3reps } {incr j} {

                         if {[string equal [$hl7msg getField PID.3.4] “MR”]} {

                           set mrn [$hl7msg getField PID.3.0]

                           set mrn [string trimleft $mrn “0”]



                       if {$mrn ne “”} {

                         $hl7msg setField PID.3 $mrn


          I hope this helps!


        • #67772
          Jim Kosloskey


            If you want to do this in the Xlate, then this appears to be a repeating field.

            You could iterate through the field repetition and apply some Tcl code to  to return the last 2 characters in a temp variabel.

            Then inside the ITERATE and after your COPy setting the Temp variable, use an IF Action to check to see if the temp variable built above is equal to “CF”.

            If true COPY that repetition to the first field repetition. If false don’t do anything.

            That should work.

            If you do not have an xltp type proc that extracts the characters, let me know via email and I will send you one.

            email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #67773
            Tom Rioux


              If you are in an xlate…

              Using a Bulkcopy for the message OR

              Using a Pathcopy for the segment,…

              Then build an iterate on the STF10 repeating field.

            • #67774
              Charlie Bursell

                I think what Jim is alluding to is something like this:

                Inside your Xlate:

                COPY @null => @FAX

                Iterate %f1 on STF.#10

                Inside the iterate

                COPY STF.#10(%f1) => @null

                Inside the COPY statement add the Tcl code:

                set inp [lindex $xlateInVals 0]

                if {[regexp — {CF$} $inp]} {

                   xpmstore $xlateId @FAX c $inp


                After the iterate

                PATHCOPY @null => STF.#10

                COPY @FAX => STD.#10

                If the CF number exists it will be the only one in STF.#10 otherwise the field is empty.

                FWIW, not everyone has, or wants  😉 , the hl7msg procs

              • #67775
                Shaun Beckman

                  Thanks to all of you for your help.

                  I used the code from Charlie and it worked as expected. i.e. ~(815)555-1234CF

                  Now I just have to remove the tilde and I’m all set.

                  Thanks again.

                • #67776
                  Tom Rioux

                    In my testing with the code I posted, I was able to get the results you wanted, without the tilde.

                    Either way, I’m glad you got it working!

                  • #67777
                    Charlie Bursell


                      I don’t know where you sre seeing the tilde.  It should not be there.  If I test this code with an input like:

                      0(0).MSH(0)  :  >|^~&|XDSDEMO_ADT|XDSDEMO|XDSDEMO_ADT|XDSDEM O|20090504131932-0


                      0(0).MFI(0)  :  >|1|2|3<

                      1(0).MFE(0)  :  >|1|2|3<

                      1(0).STF(0)  :  >|13380||TEST^TESTER^^^^MD|P|M|19730924|A||IM|(815)555-9999CH~(8


                      I get output like:

                      0(0).MSH(0)  :  >|^~&|XDSDEMO_ADT|XDSDEMO|XDSDEMO_ADT|XDSDEM O|20090504131932-0


                      0(0).MFI(0)  :  >|1|2|3<

                      1(0).MFE(0)  :  >|1|2|3<

                      1(0).STF(0)  :  >|13380||TEST^TESTER^^^^MD|P|M|19730924|A||IM|(815)555-2468CF<

                      Note no tilde.

                      FWIW if you were using CL 5.7 you could have done this with no Tcl at all by using an IF statement with CONTAINS logic

                    • #67778
                      Jim Kosloskey


                        I suspect you are not iterating through the repeating field.

                        That iteration will present you each repetition and thus eliminate the tilde.

                        If you do not use the iteration and thus get the entire element you could have tildes and then have to deal with them.

                        Why not use the Xlate functionality?

                        email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                      • #67779
                        Shaun Beckman

                          I tried Thomas’s suggestion, but still receive the tilde.

                          The STF segment is in a group iterate with the MFE segement, so I’m wondering if the group iterate is causing the issue.

                        • #67780
                          Tom Rioux


                            In your copy statement where you are putting the xlt proc, (for the code that I have),  if you leave off the iteration variable on your outbound destination, then you will not recieve the tilde.   For example, make your copy statement something like:

                            STF(0).10(%f1) ==>  STF(0).10(0)

                            Hope this helps…Tom

                          • #67781
                            Shaun Beckman


                              That did it. Thanks!

                              Thanks again to eveyone for your help.

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