remove header from flat file

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  • Creator
  • #49707
    Rick Pritchett

      was wanting to know how to go about using the lvarpop command to just remove the first line of a flat file (the headers).  The records are not in HL7 format but are a csv.  With a carriage return line feed at the end.

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    • Author
      • #63200
        John Hamilton

          How you do this is very dependent or can be on the protocol you have setup.

          What is the protocol you are using for this?  Andif you are reading the whole file or a line at a time out of the file.

        • #63201
          Rick Pritchett

            fileset local most likey.

          • #63202
            John Hamilton

              Two options.

              I have used both of these but as I’m getting older I am tending more towards the second option.

              One create a TPS tcl proc to parse down the message.  

              Or create an HRL  With a header and data segment.

            • #63203
              Rick Pritchett

                any idea how to do this in a proc for reuse?

              • #63204
                Rick Pritchett

                  in an HRL would i make two different VRLs one for the header and one for the rest of the file?

                • #63205
                  John Hamilton

                    Yes let me go find a proc and post it for you.

                    For the HRL you would need two VRL one for the header one for the data.

                  • #63206
                    Rick Pritchett

                      this is what i have so far.  for some reason it only deletes the first half of the first line and returns the rest with the output.

                      proc Lvarpop_segments { args } {

                       global HciConnName

                       set mode [keylget args MODE]

                       switch -exact — $mode {

                      start {

                       return “”


                      run {

                       set mh [keylget args MSGID]

                       set dispList

                         set msg [split [msgget $mh] “L”]


                         lvarpop msg 0

                        lvarpop msg 0

                         #lvarpop msg 0

                         #lvarpop msg end

                         #lvarpop msg end

                         msgset $mh [join $msg “L”]


                        lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”

                        #echo $newsegments

                        shutdown {

                         return “”



                        return $dispList


                    • #63207
                      Charlie Bursell

                        You are spliting on a form feed character while I would bet your files are new-line delimted.

                        Try this:

                        set msg [split [msgget $mh] n]

                        Then you can pop off the first line

                        lvarpop msg

                        If you are sure the last record has only form feed

                        lvarpop msg end

                        While testing to be sure of what is popping off do it like:

                        echo HEADER: [lvarpop msg]

                        echo TAIL: [lvarpop msg end]

                      • #63208
                        Rick Pritchett

                          Yes Charlie, your guess was correct and so was your fix.

                          Thank You very much!!!

                        • #63209
                          Chris Williams

                            Isn’t “L” just an uppercase “L”?  A formfeed would be “f”, aka CTRL-L.

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