
  • Creator
  • #48564
    Femina Jaffer

      I need to eliminate any spaces in the name field of PID 5.  For example, Jacobs- Barney^Dave (the space after the “-“).  I have written the code and seems to work correctly or atleast do the job, but I am encountering an error in the testing tool.

      The error is: [0:TEST] Insufficient room for integer part of numeric value ‘AAAF7966X4698060605’

      The proc I have written in the xlate is:

              set xlateOutVals “”

              set name xlateInVals

              set name [lindex $xlateInVals 0]

              regsub ” ” $name  “” name

              set xlateOutVals

        Any help would be most appreciated.


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    • Author
      • #58998

        Try this:


        regsub -all {s?} $name {} name

        -- Max Drown (Infor)

      • #58999
        Femina Jaffer

          Thanks Mark.

          I did try this, and again it does do the trick but the error message still appears.

          Any ideas?

        • #59000

          try this …

" />

          … of course make the appropriate changes for your own needs.

          -- Max Drown (Infor)

        • #59001
          Femina Jaffer

            Thanks Max.  I really appreciate your help.  But, unfortunately I still get this error below:

            MESSAGE 1

            [0:TEST] Insufficient room for integer part of numeric value ‘AAAF7966X4698060605’

            ..followed by the Message

          • #59002
            Femina Jaffer


              I think the error that is being encountered has nothing to do with the PID 5 field.  I think the code is working and this erroneous message is generated by another field that may not be large enough.

              Thanks for all your help!

            • #59003
              Charlie Bursell

                I would agree that the error may be coming from another part or the translation.  This normally happens when you use integer compares when you meant to do a string compare.  For example:

                             if {$str == “somevalue”} instead of

                             if {[string equal $str “somevalue”]}

                Use what I refer to as the binary search method.

                Copy your translate to a temporary file like XXX.xlt

                Cut the file in half.  Be careful to split on a statement border.  

                If the problem is still there then split it again.  If not load the 2nd half and make sure the error is there.

                Keep spliting the file.  In a very short time you can get it down to one or two statements.  After that it gets easier to figure out.

                FWIW, the statement “regsub — { } $xlateInVals {} xlateInVals” is fine if your intention is to convert xlateInVals from a list to a scalar variable.  

                Remember, all of the translate variables are *LISTS*.  And, list elements are delimited with whitespace.

              • #59004
                Femina Jaffer

                  Thanks Charlie!  I will definitely keep this in mind.  Again, thanks for the tip.

                • #59005
                  Jo Ellen Laansma

                    forget the above question.

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