Sending this to support:
OS: RedHat 5.1
Cloverleaf: 5.6
01) On the Windows machine: create a share on a Windows server. Add a user called “hci” with full permissions.
02) On the Cloverleaf server: sudo mkdir -p /mnt/pc4422/qstesting
03) On the Cloverleaf server: sudo mount -t cifs -o username=hci,password=’Boonehci’ //PC4422/QSTESTING /mnt/pc4422/qstesting
04) On the Cloverleaf server: ln -s /mnt/pc4422/qstesting /data/win/qs/coldfeed_in
06) In the thread: set ibdir for the fileset-local protocol to /data/win/qs/coldfeed_in
06) In the thread: add the attached script (tpsScanDir.tcl) to fileset-local protocol with no arguments (grab all files in ibdir).
We use tpsScanDir.tcl in many, many threads for many years. It is known to work well; however, the samba mount to a Windows share is a new wrinkle. When a batch of files is placed in the Windows share, I can see the files from RedHat by doing ‘ls -al /data/win/qs/coldfeed_in/’. From the command line I can delete them, rename them, etc. The Cloverleaf fileset-local process does not “see” these files until I bounce the process. At this point, I do not know if it is an issue with the OS, Cloverleaf, or the tps proc.
Current file list:
-bash-3.2$ ll /data/win/qs/coldfeed_in/
total 1276
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root