When our original engine was set up almost 10 years ago, Charlie set up the outbound data threads in a certain manner and I have just copied that thru until today with no problems. (IB data uses a TPS IB data proc of hl7Raw_ack, OB data SendOKsave, resend_ob_msg, checkHL7_v2.2_ack) However, now I am having state 14 problems with one thread. I tried upping the timeout to 600 with no success. So I have turned to the recover_33 procs. I tried an edited version from another user but got state 101 errors. so I used the QDXi supplied version and the thread just looped. I did an echo to see what the $data coming from the receiver was and then made some revisions to get at the ACK message type in the HL7 reply and made appropriate changes to get at it and use it for the comparison. Now I am back to state 101 errors. The IB data TPS setup is the same but the OB setup now uses the tpsSaveObMsg, tpsResendObMsg, tpsValidateReply and tpsKillObSave procs in the places the QDXi instructions say to place them. What am I missing??? Thanx!