Reading from message queues

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Reading from message queues

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  • #119961

      I wanted to seek help from you ALL and see if  Cloverleaf can support reading from Microsoft Azure Service Bus?

      Currently we get DATA/MSGS through HTTP GET. The plan is to push this GET request to a cloud provided queue service.

      Later, cloverleaf can grab the data/msg from this service. The service we are planning to use is Microsoft’s Azure service bus. It is similar to MSMQ, ActiveMQ, RabitMQ, but this one is from Microsoft and is their cloud service. Similar to Kafka.

      Can someone help me with some ideas if they have read from queues, be it on-premise/cloud?

      IB thread protocol will be “mqs”.

      • This topic was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by MiteshBhatt.
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    • Author
      • #119963
        Peter Heggie

          The MQS protocol is meant only for the Websphere MQ API. There are documented ways to connect WMQ to ASB but that would be a separate connection – you would have to build a connection to a WMQ queue manager, and then a subsequent transmission would use a second connection from WMQ to ASB.

          If you are comfortable with Java, it would be better to use a “UPOC” protocol, which basically allows you to build your own protocol. It could be TCL or Java. There is a lot of documentation on Microsoft web pages describing how to connect to the ASB using Java.

          Peter Heggie

          • #119972

              Hi Peter – Good Morning.. thanks for your reply.

              For option 1: – Are you saying I need to have Cloverleaf connect to WMQ, but using what protocol? (mqs/java:ws or any other?)

              And then the next hop will be WMQ to Az Ser. Bus? That’s outside of Cloverleaf server, is that correct?

              Unfortunately, I cannot write a UPOC protocol, might need to check internally here or with Cloverleaf’s prof. services on the second option.

              Thanks a ton for your help, appreciated!

          • #119973
            Peter Heggie

              I’m sorry to make it unclear; I meant that the mqs protocol was only for WMQ. If you do have WMQ, then you could use it as part of a larger business process where the data flows from Cloverleaf to WMQ and then to ASB. The Cloverleaf to WMQ could be setup with configuration only. But the WMQ to ASB would require development/coding.

              Here is an example of building code in .Net to make the connection:


              Peter Heggie

              • #119974

                  Hi Peter – Agreed WMQ to ASB would need development. When you say Cloverleaf setup is needed/config wise, you mean something like this as attached in MQS.png file.

                  The issue i ran into is, I am getting error in process logs as:

                  CANNOT OPEN
                  [pd  :pdtd:ERR /0:  qa_ms_queue:07/12/2022 15:13:27] cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

                  And I cannot find the installer for MQSeriesClient for our CentOS.

                  Thanks for all your help Peter, appreciated!



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