-Read the file into the interface line by line (set in the thread settings)
-For each message (line of the file)
Create an appointment:- post /appointments/create
Discharge the appointment :- put /appointments/{appointment_id}/discharge
The contents of the file have Lname|Fname|apt_time|type|phone_number|DOB
Sample message
Currently using static values which is hard coded, but I’d like the file to be read line by line when making the appointment via an API call.
{DATA {{“hospital_id”:1234,”first_name”:”MOUSE”,”last_name”:”MICKY”,”apt_time”: “2018-01-11T13:10:44.979-05:00″,”type”:”walkin”,”phone_number”:”1234567890″,”dob”:”01/07/1939″}}}
Any suggestions shall be appreciated.