raw http: how to retrieve the message body

Homepage Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf raw http: how to retrieve the message body

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  • #114624
    Ken Smith

    I am using the example processes from CAA, site_ws_sample. When using the RestProvider raw endpoint, or using the RawHandler endpoint, I can send a message from SoapUI and see a response being returned from bounceRest/bounceRaw, so I know the message has hit Cloverleaf. I can also see an entry being created in the SMAT for the message. However, I can’t see any sign of the message body/payload. It doesn’t show in the SMAT and it doesn’t appear in the log file. I’ve tried it with an xml message and a JSON message.

    I’ve tried the RestProvider RESTTest endpoint with an xml message and it works properly. However, the vendor is proving messages in a JSON format and rest in the rest provider only supports xml.

    What am I missing/overlooking?

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    • #114628
      Tipu Razaq

      You may have to turn up the logs to ‘enable all’ (EO config) to see the payload. It’s in the metadata section of the message.

    • #114631
      Ken Smith

      Thanks for the advice. I have set logging to enable_all on Engine Log Configuration in the Properties tab for the thread. This hasn’t changed anything however. The message body does not appear in the logging or in the SMAT.

    • #114633
      Tipu Razaq

      I’ve always done it through the Network Monitor. Right click on the thread -> Control -> Full -> engine log configuration.


      This takes effect immediately and is temporary until the process/thread is bounced.


      Did you bounce the process after making the change the way you did it?

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Tipu Razaq.
    • #114637
      Tipu Razaq

      I reread your post. For the first paragraph you said you’re using the bounceRest/bounceRAW. If you’re using it out of the box those scripts have a KILL in their you may  have to change to CONTINUE for the message to be saved in SMAT. Not too sure, though.


      For your second paragraph, you’re correct. Cloverleaf RestProvider only support XML. You’ll have to change it and add a RawHandler instead and add RestProvider underneath. We have JSON coming in so I know this setup works.


      Can you upload a screenshot of your setup?


      Here’s ours:


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    • #114646
      Ken Smith

      This is my basic config.

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    • #114648
      Ken Smith

      this is the raw handler

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    • #114650
      Ken Smith

      This is dumpMsg.tcl, does continue on the $mh:

      proc dumpMsg { args } {
      keylget args MODE mode ;# Fetch mode

      set dispList {} ;# Nothing to return

      switch -exact — $mode {
      start {
      # Perform special init functions
      # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args

      run {
      # ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
      keylget args MSGID mh
      keylget args CONTEXT context

      puts “message id: $mh”
      set INmsg [msgget $mh]
      #set INmsg1 [httpget $mh]
      puts “message body: $INmsg”
      #puts “message body: $INmsg1”
      echo \n\n$context Dump:
      msgdump $mh
      echo \n\n

      lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”

      time {
      # Timer-based processing
      # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args

      shutdown {
      # Doing some clean-up work

      return $dispList

    • #114651
      Ken Smith

      bounceRaw, relevant lines:

      #lappend dispList “KILL $mh” : in original code
      lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”

      I changed to continue from kill. The interesting thing is that I routed the outbound message to a file thread and every time I send a message through, the file thread gets a message. However, there is nothing in the message as nothing is written to the file, except a new blank line, which indicates to me that a “message” is passing through the system. Still not seeing anything in SMAT.

    • #114657
      Ken Smith

      Thanks very much for your help, I’ve managed to get this working. There were I think 3 changes required.

      First, was changing KILL to CONTINUE, as above, in the bounceRaw tcl.

      Second, in my raw handler, I changed the context path, from “/rawJSON” to simply “/”

      Third, and I think this is a peculiarity of SoupUI 5.1.2, which I was using as a test harness, I needed to change the media. I was using application/json, then tried text/html and the multipart options. I stumbled across another media type by accident, not available in the drop down, “x-www-form-urlencoded”.

      I now get the message logged in SMAT, either xml or JSON, and the message writes out to my test file thread.

    • #114658
      Tipu Razaq

      Awesome! Glad you figured it out

    • #114673
      Ken Smith

      Addendum: I’ve created a new thread from scratch based upon my trials and tribulations above and again used SoapUI to test it. The media defaulted to application/json without my noticing and the message passed through successfully. So I think now that the media type/setting was a red herring.

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