Queued Trans from the Command Line

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  • Creator
  • #48675
    Jeff Thomas

      Is there a way to viewed the number of transactioned queued to a thread via the command line?


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    • Author
      • #59363
        Rich Durkee

          There may be easier ways but here’s one that may get you started. I assume you are referring to “Queue Depth”.

          1. At the OS command line, invoke TCL.

          2. then msiAttach

          3. then msiGetStatSample threadname     –   where thread name is the SENDING thread

          4. this will display the thread stats for all threads in the process that contain threadname. Within the statistics is a list of threads showing certain stats for each. One of the stats is “POSTXLTQD”. This will probably show what you are looking for.

          5. If you do this regularly, you will probably want to develop a TCL proc. Here’s a sample – execute it from the AIX command line.



          thrdname cern_pyx2_adt_ord

            set threadkeys [msiGetStatSample $thrdname]

            keylget threadkeys INTERTHREAD ikey

                 foreach tdata $ikey {

                 keylget tdata NAME tname

                  keylget tdata POSTXLTQD queued

                 if {![string equal $queued “0”]} {

                 echo $tname ”  ” $queued

                 } }

          Rich Durkee

          Genesys Regional Medical Center

          Gran Blanc, MI

        • #59364
          Calvin Palmer

            Simply type hcimsiutil -dd [threadname] without the brackets. This will return statistical information about the thread in question including queue info.

          • #59365
            Bakha Nurzhanov

              How about as simple as:

              hcidbdump -r -d thread_name -O i


            • #59366
              Jeff Thomas

                I wanted to thank everyone for there responses.  We have had some GUI lockup problems on 3.8.1, and I was interested in ways to operate without the GUID.  Thanks!


              • #59367
                Rich Durkee

                  In Calvin’s reply he stated to use this command:

                  hcicmd -dd threadname

                  He meant to say:

                  hcimsiutil -dd threadname

                  Rich Durkee

                • #59368
                  Calvin Palmer

                    Oops! Thanks for the correction! 🙂

                    Rich Durkee wrote:

                    In Calvin’s reply he stated to use this command:

                    hcicmd -dd threadname

                    He meant to say:

                    hcimsiutil -dd threadname

                    Rich Durkee

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