Here is a URL that describes how I handle extended downtime because the cloverleaf process will eventually crash when a threshold of too many messages are queued up as a result of a foriegn system being down for too long.
<a href="” class=”bbcode_url”>
I’ve had an interface in down time mode in one extreme case for over 3 weeks using the method described in the URL successfully.
How many messages you can que up before the process will crash is dependant on your servers resources (ex: real memory) and how well you have utilized multiple sites and divided up your processes.
In other words, I do not have a definitive answer for you but I can share my thresholds with you.
On our previous smaller server that had less real memory with fewer sites and I had less understanding of how to effectively divide our sites and processes, the process would crash when around 8,000 messages backed up.
Generally the process could not be restarted until the messages had been removed from the recovery database.
Our current server that is more powerfull and has more granualar sites and processes has gone over 120,000 messages queued up without any issue, which has been very helpful because that gives us a whole day before we have to worry about going into down time mode instead of an hour like before.
Russ Ross