Why doesn’t the bolded work?
set newClock [clock seconds]
set timeZone [clock format $newClock -format “%z”]
set dtLength [string length $xlateInVals]
if {12>= $dtLength <19} {
set num1 [string range $xlateInVals 0 11]
set num2 “00”
set num3 $timeZone
set xlateOutVals [concat $num1$num2$num3]
I had to change it to this.
set newClock [clock seconds]
set timeZone [clock format $newClock -format “%z”]
set dtLength [string length $xlateInVals]
if {$dtLength >=12 && $dtLength <19} {
set num1 [string range $xlateInVals 0 11]
set num2 “00”
set num3 $timeZone
set xlateOutVals [concat $num1$num2$num3]