question on iterate and grouping

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf question on iterate and grouping

  • Creator
  • #54105
    Karyn Retzbach

      Here’s my variant…

      1 [  ]


        1.0  {  }



             [  PV1 ]



      Even though PID is not repeating, I still have to group iterate because I’m under a repeating sub group, correct?

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    • Author
      • #80171
        Jim Kosloskey


          If the sending system is not sending multiple PID Groups then there is no need to ITERATE at all as the default address path will point to the first (and in this case only) occurrence.

          You can ITERATE on the Group and as long as the Sending system only sends one group all will be fine.

          However if you ITERATE and the sending system sends multiple PID Groups then what the result is will depend on whether you are set up for the outbound system to get multiple or one PID Group.

          If you are set up outbound for one PID Group, you ITERATE, and the inbound sends multiple PID Groups your outbound will receive only one and that will be the last inbound group – probably not what is wanted.

          If you set outbound for multiple PID Groups (means you are probably ITERATing on the inbound) and the inbound sends multiple PID Groups then your outbound will also receive multiple PID Groups – perhaps what you want, perhaps not.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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