I think creating an artificial group like you mentioned is my first thought on how to approach the problem.
In fact, I think the upgraded version of cloverleaf we have, which is 6.0, essentially converts the old variants during the upgrade process to create similar artificial groups to handle this problem.
I also think this caused us issues and we may have decided not to do the variant convert step and remidiated ourselves as needed, I slept since then and have too much on my mind these days.
Jim kosloskey might have a better recollection than I on this point as to the choice we made.
So you might have to watch out for having to undo your artifical grouping on a future cloverleaf upgrade or elect not to do the varinat convert step.
I’m thinking with Cloverleaf 6.0 the ambiguous segments like CON in your exaple are taken care of perhaps with artifical grouping or something under the cover, I don’t clearly remeber.
Seems like the ambigous segment that comes to mind during our cloverleaf 6.0 upgrade was to ROL segment.
Russ Ross