Question about preferred email order

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  • Creator
  • #49876
    David Burks

    I would like to solicit an informal poll of how people prefer email replies to be structured when exchanging emails.  Assume that all emails will have the following 4 sections: Description, Signature, Solution, Signature

    The following is the definition of terms in the poll

    Solution = My resonse to your email

    Signature = my name and phone number

    Synopsis = Your original subject line or a synopsis determined by me

    Description = The body text of your email to me. Usually a description of some problem you are having.

    Please vote in the poll which order you think replies to you should be structured.  I mostly want your vote but would appreciate any intelligent discussion on why one order might be better/preferred than another or why assuming a series of exchanges back and forth between you and me that one order would be better than the others.

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  • Author
    • #63964
      Scott Lee

      Sorry, you lost me…. email about what?  Exchanging with whom?

    • #63965
      David Burks

      Sorry if I was not clear enough with my question.

      Let’s say for an example and discussion you send an email to support and they reply with a solution to your problem.  Would you prefer the solution to your problem be at the top of the reply or would you prefer to scroll down to the bottom of the reply to find your solution?  

      I might also ask if the solution does not work or you want additional clarification and you reply to the reply will your additional questions be placed at the top or will you scroll all the way down to the bottom and type your new questions at the bottom?

    • #63966
      Tom Rioux

      I think that is a question you should pose to the group at your company who handles the email servers.  There may be something that can be done on the server.  The order on how the replies are sent is not necessarily something I can control, unless I copy and paster my emails.

      Not sure how posting this on Clovertech is going to help you unless one of the Clovertechers has a Tcl script that can order it for you.  LOL  

      Have a great day!

    • #63967
      Michael Hertel

      I’m a creature of habit.

      I prefer to read email chronologically from the bottom up since that is the norm.

    • #63968
      Nate Kruse

      I like to read the most current addition at the top.  So the solution would be at the top.

    • #63969
      Rob Abbott


      David is referring to how Healthvision will respond via email to your support queries.

      Obviously we can’t control how you would format your response.  It’s all about how we format our communications to you.

      This is a fairly important issue with how we configure our CRM tool.  Input from the community is very much appreciated.

      Rob Abbott
      Cloverleaf Emeritus

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